Instructional Video2:43

How Do Greenhouse Gases Actually Work?

12th - Higher Ed
How Do Greenhouse Gases Actually Work?
Instructional Video6:13
Bozeman Science

The Hierarchy of Life

12th - Higher Ed
Paul Andersen explains how biology is ordered in the hierarchy of life. He first of all describes how emergent properties appear as you move to more inclusive systems. The then describes life at the following levels; atom, molecule,...
Instructional Video12:41

8 Terrible Science Takes

12th - Higher Ed
Have you ever seen a science take on the Internet that you're pretty sure is wrong, but you aren't sure how to break it down? Well good news, we are taking care of that for you! Here are just 8 of them, from climate myths to health...
Instructional Video11:11
TED Talks

TED: Is climate change slowing down the ocean? | Susan Lozier

12th - Higher Ed
Ocean waters are constantly on the move, traveling far distances in complex currents that regulate Earth's climate and weather patterns. How might climate change impact this critical system? Oceanographer Susan Lozier dives into the...
Instructional Video11:25
Bozeman Science

Anatomy and Physiology

12th - Higher Ed
Paul Andersen introduces Anatomy and Physiology in this podcast. He starts by describing how the form of an object fits the function. He then explains the themes of homeostasis and hierarchy. He describes the four major types of...
Instructional Video6:56

Is JWST Living Up to the Hype?

12th - Higher Ed
The James Webb Space Telescope is the most ambitious space observatory ever launched, and nobody hyped it more than us. So is it putting in work? Oh, boy, yes. Yes it is.
Instructional Video13:50

Reducing Space Waste Before, During, and After Missions | Compilation

12th - Higher Ed
Right now, discarded parts from old spacecraft, bags of pee, and dead probes are just floating around in space, but it doesn’t have to be like that. Let's take a look at some of the ways we've figured out to reduce, reuse, and recycle in...
Instructional Video11:33
Curated Video

The Future of the Search for Life

12th - Higher Ed
Astronomers have found more than 5,000 planets in the last three decades, but that’s not nearly as exciting as potentially coming across the first extraterrestrial creatures. And we may finally be in a position to make that discovery.
Instructional Video5:35

Fighting Carbon With Carbon

12th - Higher Ed
To reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, some researchers are taking carbon capture technology to the source(s) — for example, slurping up CO2 before it ever leaves the power plant that made it. But that's not all! Some...
Instructional Video6:48

Blue Is the New Green (For Hydrogen)

12th - Higher Ed
We all want green energy to stop climate change, and one option is hydrogen. But achieving green hydrogen is tough, so some want to consider so-called blue hydrogen instead. Support for this video provided by Gates Ventures.
Instructional Video10:11

When It Was Too Hot for Leaves

12th - Higher Ed
Plants first made their way onto land at least 470 million years ago but for their first 80 million years, leaves as we know them today didn’t exist. What held them back?
Instructional Video7:28

When Trees Took Over the World

12th - Higher Ed
420 million years ago, the forest floor of what's now New York was covered with a plant that didn’t look like a tree at all, except its roots were made of wood. Instead of looking up to learn about the evolution of trees, it turns out...
Instructional Video28:14
Be Smart

The Biggest Myth About Climate Change

12th - Higher Ed
You’ve seen it in the comment section before: “Climate change is natural. It’s happened before and it will keep happening”. In reality, comments like these are the newest kind of climate change denial. In this video we’re going to learn...
Instructional Video11:49
Be Smart

How Ancient Ice Proves Climate Change Is Real

12th - Higher Ed
Earth’s climate is changing in a big way, and it’s because there's more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than at any point in our species’ history. But Earth’s climate has changed before. How do we know that this time we’re the cause? We...
Instructional Video9:50
TED Talks

TED: What's it like to be a giant sequoia tree? | Ersin Han Ersin

12th - Higher Ed
Artist Ersin Han Ersin invites us to step inside a giant sequoia tree, peering through the bark into the tapestry of life within. Discover how his multisensory installations explore the concept of "umwelt," or the unique sensory...
Instructional Video12:14
TED Talks

TED: The molecular love story that could help power the world | Olivia Breese

12th - Higher Ed
The key to revolutionizing the world's energy landscape may lie in an unlikely love story, says energy innovator Olivia Breese. She details the fateful marriage of a green electron and a water molecule -- a powerful source of...
Instructional Video5:50

The Weird Reason More Bridges Are About to Fail

12th - Higher Ed
While they are incredible engineering marvels, we don't think about bridges all that much. But there's a good reason we should all be thinking about our bridges, since there's a weird reason that more of them might be at risk of failure...
Instructional Video3:08

When Tree Planting Goes Wrong

12th - Higher Ed
Trees are a super-efficient way to sequester carbon, but since planting the wrong trees in the wrong place can do more harm than good, we need to go about tree planting more carefully.
Instructional Video5:14

Whale Poop Helps Cool Our Planet

12th - Higher Ed
You might not think of a sea creature as helpful in the prevention of climate change, but sperm whales have been doing their part to cool the planet by doing what most animals do best: pooping.
Instructional Video4:20

The Carbon Impact of the World’s Largest Mass Migration

12th - Higher Ed
Thanks to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and their research and technology partner MBARI for partnering with us on this episode of SciShow. They worked together on an exhibition, “Into The Deep: Exploring Our Undiscovered Ocean,” to give...
Instructional Video4:52

Do-It-Yourself Photosynthesis Is Here!

12th - Higher Ed
Photosynthesis, the elegant process of making fuel from sunlight, might be the future of how we power, well, just about anything. Plants may have invented it, but humans are taking the model and really running with it, to make anything...
Instructional Video2:33

Can Soda Save a Dying Fish?

12th - Higher Ed
For years, catch-and-release anglers have been pouring soda on bleeding fish in an effort to help save their lives. But.. does this actually work?
Instructional Video12:36

5 Burning Questions About Water | Compilation

12th - Higher Ed
We've collected all the episodes we've done over the years answering questions about water. Pour yourself a glass before diving into this watery compilation!
Instructional Video7:34

Our Entire Society is Built on a Geological Fluke

12th - Higher Ed
If a tree falls into the forest and doesn't decompose, what happens to it?