Curated OER
Jupiter's Moons
Students predict which of Jupiter's moons will be the "brightest" in infrared wavelengths. Using provided information, they rank the moos from brightes to faintest in infrared.
Curated OER
Finding Jupiter's Moons
Students explore Jupiter's Moons. They calculate and predict the location of Jupiter's 4 large moons. In addition, they draw Jupiter with its moons correctly shown for the time of the observation.
Forum Romanum
Outlines of Roman History: Institutions of Early Rome: The Early Roman Religion
Early Roman religion was based on the family with a strong "head of the family" in Jupiter. Because the early Romans were an agricultural society, much of the religion also centered on nature.
Nasa: Solar System Exploration: Galileo
Learn about the Galileo mission in its entirety. Read updates on the mission as well as new picture from the space probe itself.
University of Colorado
University of Colorado: Physics 2000: Speed of Light
Using an interesting and intriguing format, this page discusses the question of "How does one measure the speed of light." Explanation focuses on Galileo's and Roemer's efforts to obtain a reasonable value. Also discusses Heinrich...
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University
Npac Reu Program: Comet Shoemaker Levy 9 Collision
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center at Syracuse University provides a site dedicated to compiling the best images and information regarding Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 and its collision with Jupiter. Great animations.
Harvard University
Harvard University: The Solar System
These hands-on activities are a great way for students to gain perspective on the relative sizes and distances of each planet, the relationship between the sun and Earth, and much more.
Pbs Learning Media: Our Solar System Lithograph Set
View these amazing high-quality images of our solar system from NASA with this lithograph set. Each lithograph contains images, facts, dates, and general information on a particular subject. Background information and teaching tips are...
University of Leicester: Comets
A detailed look at comets. Content outlines our observational history, as well as the origins of comets and an explanation of the appearance of comets.
Nasa: Great Images in Nasa
Fascinating collection of images from NASA, chosen for their historical or aesthetic significance. Images are searchable by subject, by NASA center, and by keyword, and each is available in three sizes. With links to more information...
Lunar and Planetary Institute: Explore! Jupiter's Family Secrets
A variety of hands-on activities, investigations, and explorations designed to engage learners in discovering planet Jupiter.
Nasa: Astronomy Picture of the Day:galileo Probe
This image, taken before Galileo left Earth in 1989, was chosen for December 7, 1995, the day that the probe entered Jupiter's Atmosphere.
Smithsonian Institution
National Air and Space Museum: Exploring the Planets: Our Solar System
Take a tour of our solar system and learn fascinating details and observations about the planets.
Nasa Space Science Data Archive: Ice on Europa
With the exception of Earth, Europa currently appears to be the only body in the solar system which potentially harbors a global ocean of liquid water. The possibility of liquid water raises the possibility of life, as well. This NASA...
Nasa Space Science Data Archive: Photo Gallery: Galileo
A well-indexed collection of NASA images taken by the Galileo spacecraft. Images include the spacecraft itself prior to launch and all of the solar system objects this incredible mission has visited.
Nasa Space Science Data Archive: Photo Gallery: Ganymede
NASA offers acollection of the best images of Ganymede taken by Voyager and Galileo spacecraft. Includes links to all Voyager and Galileo images and information about the missions. Full captions for each image provides lots of...
Nasa Space Science Data Archive: Photo Gallery: Europa
This NASA page is a collection of thumbnail images of Europa taken by the Voyager and Galileo missions. Thumbnails link to low and high resolution image files and complete caption files. Images are excellent examples of various surface...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: The Sun Is the Center of the Solar System
See what you know about the solar system by taking this brief interactive quiz and learning module.
Nasa Space Science Data Archive:comet Collision With Jupiter
Comet collision with Jupiter with lots of pictures and some text. Links to the information about the comet, the impacts, and observations made by four different spacecraft.
Nasa: Image Science Center: Ask the Space Scientist
A NASA scientist, Dr. Sten Odenwald, answers many students' questions. Topics include planets, galaxies, black holes, the origin of the universe, and common misconceptions about space.
Space Telescope Science Institute
Hubble Space Photographs: Hst's Greatest Hits 1990 1995
Breathtaking images from the Hubble Space Telescope give a new perspective to our world.
DOGO Media
Dogo News: Week of 10 21 13: Does It Rain Diamonds on Saturn and Jupiter?
Article reports on research that suggests that rain on Saturn and Jupiter may be made of diamonds. Includes a brief video.
Nasa Space Place: El Space Place
NASA's space science site for kids - en Espanol. Features a wide range of activities, including games, projects, animations, and more. Also contains useful information on basic physics, chemistry, and other natural sciences, offering...
Nasa Star Child: Probes to the Outer Planets (Level 2)
This site has a description of the many probes sent to the outer planets, including pictures and vocabulary words linked to a glossary of terms. Other links on interesting facts and more detailed information are also included.