Rice University
Rice University: Cynthia Lanius: Mathematics of Cartography
Can there be a connection between map making and math? Explore the mathematics of cartography in this resource that integrates web-based instruction, mathematical problem solving, geometry, history, and art. Interesting information and...
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Centimeters and Inches
How do we understand the difference between inches and centimeters? Why does measuring a given object in centimeters always give a bigger number than measuring the same object in inches? This lesson includes detailed plans, printable...
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Amazon River Boat Trip: Length
Help Manuel to measure in centimeters and meters while preparing for a science class. Students can play games and then take mini-assessments to measure their understanding of the content.
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: English Bus: Measurement: Meters
On this interactive website students practice various math skills using a real life scenario at a school. Those skills include using centimeters and meters to compare lengths, and recognizing when a unit smaller than meters are required.
Middle School Science
Middle School science.com: Smile Metric Style Lesson
In this lesson plan site, pupils will learn how to use a metric ruler to measure length, accurately read and record measurements taken in centimeters and millimeters, and collect and analyze data using a stem and leaf.
Science Made Simple
Science Made Simple: Online Metric Converter
Practice converting English units of measurement to metric units using this tool.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: Watching the Wheels Go `Round and `Round
Use the formula for the circumference of a circle to solve the challenge of this problem. The solution is available at this one page website.
Fun Brain
Fun Brain: Measurement Game
This interactive activity gives young students practice measuring lines with a ruler using centimeters.
Cool Fire Technology
Customary & Metric Systems of Measurement Area Measure
Scroll down to the bottom of the page to view a table which lists measurement conversions for area.
Math2.org: Weights and Measures
This resource provides information on weights and measures, including unit conversion tables.