Curated OER
Just "Who" are the Three Little Pigs?
Fourth graders use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast various versions of the story The Three Little Pigs. They write a Cinquain, and then act out their version of the Three Little Pigs in a skit.
Curated OER
Solid Waste and Our Natural Resources: Utilizing the Story THE LORAX
Students gain an introduction to our planet's solid waste problem and our personal responsibility in curbing and solving said problem through the use of Dr. Seuss' book, The Lorax. After hearing the book, class discussion follows.
Curated OER
Draw the Three Little Pigs Houses
Students conduct Internet research on The Three Little Pigs. They explore various websites, and create a drawing of the house they think is the strongest using Kid Pix software.
Curated OER
The Lorax
Students read The Lorax and discuss how human actions can affect the environment. They conduct a simple experiment to see how much air pollution is in the air that they breathe.
Curated OER
Building a Better Home for the Three Little Pigs
Fourth graders draw a set of blueprints and record measurements on them. They add, subtract and multiply to work within their house-building budget.
Curated OER
Seussville Meets the 4 Blocks
First graders read and examine Dr. Seuss books, and create and write their own stories.
Curated OER
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Students comprehend written text by teaching them how to think about the events in a story as they read. They make storyboards of their own. They need to make sure they put the events on the storyboard in the proper order.
Curated OER
A Visit to the Rain Forest
First graders preview "The Great Kapok Tree" by discussing the cover and the tree. They read the book and acknowledge the animals. They play a sequencing game in groups to identify the order the animals appeared in the book.
Curated OER
Fishing for Success
Pupils listen to story Rainbow Fish to the Rescue, and identify strategies to assist those in need.
Curated OER
One Pager
Students read the novel, Freak the Mighty and describe and illustrate the setting. They create a graphic organizer that demonstrates the major plot elements and character development.
Curated OER
It's Time for a Rhyme
Students listen to the story, There's a Wocket in My Pocket, by Dr. Seuss. They discuss the rhyming in the book and then play a rhyming game.
Curated OER
You Gotta Have A Hat
First graders compare versions of the folktale, 'Caps for Sale.' After listening to both stories, 1st graders utilize a Venn Diagram imbedded in this lesson to produce a graphic organizer detailing the similarities and differences...
Curated OER
Sneetches by Dr. Seuss
Students read "Sneetches" by Dr. Seuss. They complete a story map and write about the topic of prejudice. They role-play star-bellied and plain-bellied sneetches and write a persuasive essay about their experiences.
Curated OER
Chasing Peter's Wolf
First graders listen to Prokoviev's Peter and the Wolf, relate the story to the music and identify instruments and their representative characters. They examine how music communicates events and images that help the listener to better...
Curated OER
Goldilocks and the Bears Make Their Pitch
First graders listen to the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and identify the pitch of the bears' voices as high, medium, and low. They improvise on xylophones a melody to accompany the bears in the telling of the story.
Curated OER
Technology-commected Folklife Lesson Plan: Fables
Students discuss ways the stories were alike and different. The teacher demonstrate how to draw a Venn diagram using Microsoft Word. They label the two circles and enter the likenesses and differences on the diagram.
Curated OER
Integrating Printmaking and Literature: A high school art curriculum
Students integrate techniques in printmaking with readings in poetry and literature. They read various pieces of student literature and poetry, and create prints using various printmaking techniques.
Curated OER
Tortoise and Hare Races
Students listen to the fable, The Tortoise and the Hare, and participate in various map skill activities. They manipulate magnetic tortoises and hares on metal cookie sheets to practice direction, and construct racing tortoises out of...
Curated OER
You've Got a Wocket Where?
Students identify rhyming word pairs, apply generalizations about the principle of onsets and "rimes," and create and classify multiple lists of words, both real and nonsense, based on given rhymes.
Curated OER
10 Apples Up On Top
Stuents make class books as a follow up activity to the Dr. Seuss book Ten Apples Up On Top!
Curated OER
Who's Inside the Mitten?
Learners read "The Mitten", by Jan Brett. They discuss vocabulary presented in the story and sequence significant plot events. They make masks to represent several of the characters and act out the story.
Curated OER
Wild Things
Students draw a literacy response picture demonstrating knowledge and appropriate use of computer hardware components (monitor, mouse) using KidPix and Kidspiration software with a minimum of two different pictorial details on their...
Curated OER
Wild Things - Texture And Pattern
Students implement textures and patterns in creating an imaginary Wild Thing, using the book and illustrations in Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak serve as Inspiration.
Curated OER
Trees for Many Reasons
Pupils, by reading fables such as The Lorax, Dr Seuss or The Man Who Planted Trees, Jean Giono, examine the importance of conserving natural resources.