Florida State University Cpalms: Florida Students: What's Law Got to Do With It?
This tutorial explains the types of laws in the legal system of the United States. A PDF file of the tutorial is available.
Law for Kids: Toons
Join animated characters like Marco and Kirk, teenagers in difficult circumstances and facing legal issues, and find out what consequences they must deal with. Students can learn to avoid the same mistakes. Teens' questions about the law...
University of Toronto (Canada)
Bora Laskin Law Library: Community Legal Information on the Web
A superb collection of links relating to the legal system in Ontario and Canada from a citizen's perspective. The site is quite comprehensive in its coverage.
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: Ancient History Sourcebook: The Twelve Tables, C. 450 Bce
A version, in English, of the Twelve Tables of law that became the written foundation of all Roman law. The Twelve Tables bore approximately the same relationship to the whole of Roman law that the US Constitution bears to the whole of...
Differences Between Civil and Criminal Law in the Usa
This website provides a well-organized introduction to the differences between civil and criminal law. Addresses topics such as "punishment," "burden of proof," "protections for criminal defendants" and "ignorance of the law." Examples...
Judicial Learning Center: Types of Court Cases
Learn about the two types of court cases - criminal cases and civil cases - and what types of crimes and disputes fall into each category.
Federal Judicial Center: What the Federal Courts Do
U.S. government-sponsored site that provides excellent information on the distinction between civil law and criminal law. It is part of a larger website that is dedicated to explaining the workings of the federal judicial system....
I Civics: Sources of Law
This lesson plan teaches young scholars about the sources, types, and unique systems of law that exist in the United States. They learn about sources of law from the Constitution to local ordinances and also compare and contrast civil...
Class Flow: Introduction to Laws
[Free Registration/Login Required] This lesson is based on an introductory lesson to laws. It was originally intended for high school Business Law, but can be used as a simple overview of laws in general.