Class Flow: Grammar Prepositions
[Free Registration/Login Required] To help students search for, identify and classify a range of prepositions; experiment with substituting different prepositions and their effect on meaning.
Class Flow: Invertebrates
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is about the eight most common invertebrate phyla. The flipchart includes links to websites and Activote assessment questions.
Biology Wise: An Overview of the Euglena Classification
Describes the classification, structure, habitat, lifespan, method of reproduction, and diet of Euglena, a unicellular organism.
Biology Corner
Biology Corner: Taxonomy Project
A teacher lesson plan that allows students to pretend to be an alien taxonomist working with fictitious animals to create their scientific name, classification chart, design a dichotomous key, and create a food web.
The Franklin Institute
The Franklin Institute: Living Things Families
What do centipedes and crabs have in common? What's so special about a backbone? Check this site out from The Franklin Institute if you are interested in biology and classification.
Hot Chalk: Lesson Plans Page: Sink or Float?
This lesson plan is designed to have young children explore the concept of sinking vs. floating by using the skills of prediction, observation and classification.
Kids' Cruz: Taxonomy provides a list of phylums in the animal Kingdom. Both Latin and English names are included.
Quia: Animal Classification
Use this website to test your knowledge of which animals belong to which groups.