Lesson Plan
Climate Literacy

Clean: Person on the Street (Pos) Interview About Climate Science

For Teachers 9th - 10th
A media project where young scholars create a video that documents unrehearsed interviews with "people on the street" about a specific question or issue in climate science.
Lesson Plan
Climate Literacy

Clean: Animation for Grades 6 12

For Teachers 9th - 10th
Learners will create an animation to represent one of the many feedback loops that influences climate change. To create their animation, students will use clay, cut paper, whiteboard or other materials commonly found in the classroom....
Lesson Plan
Climate Literacy

Clean: A Fossil Thermometer

For Teachers 9th - 10th
In this activity, students calculate temperatures during a time in the geologic record when rapid warming occurred using a well known method called 'leaf-margin analysis.' Students determine the percentage of the species that have leaves...
Lesson Plan
Climate Literacy

Clean: Impacts of Topography on Sea Level Change

For Teachers 9th - 10th
Students use web-based animations to explore the impacts of ice melt, specifically changes to sea level. They also use topographic maps to examine the relationship between topography and sea level change by mapping changing shorelines.
Lesson Plan
Climate Literacy

Clean: Sea Level Rise

For Teachers 9th - 10th
Young scholars will learn the difference between sea ice and glaciers in relation to sea level rise using topographic maps.
Lesson Plan
Climate Literacy

Clean: Ocean Currents and Sea Surface Temperature

For Teachers 9th - 10th
To discover the link between ocean temperatures and currents as related to our concern for current climate change.
Lesson Plan
Climate Literacy

Clean: March of the Polar Bears: Global Change, Sea Ice, and Wildlife Migration

For Teachers 9th - 10th
Learners use NASA satellite data to study temperature and snow-ice coverage in the South Beaufort Sea, Alaska. With the data, they investigate global change, sea ice changes, and polar bear migration.
Lesson Plan
Climate Literacy

Clean: Global Warming Webquest

For Teachers 6th - 9th
Students collaborate as part of a climate action team and learn how society and the environment might be impacted by global warming. Student teams investigate how and why climate is changing and how humans may have contributed to these...
Lesson Plan
Climate Literacy

Clean: Mauna Loa Co2 Collection Data

For Teachers 9th - 10th
This data-intensive activity uses real world datasets to cover topics such as weather v. climate, air circulation around the globe, seasonal effects, and climate change.
Lesson Plan
Climate Literacy

Clean: Carbon Footprint

For Teachers 9th - 10th
In this lesson students investigate how much greenhouse gas (carbon dioxide and methane) their family releases into the atmosphere each year and relate it to climate change. To address this, students use the Environmental Protection...
Lesson Plan
Climate Literacy

Clean: Interactive Geologic Timeline Activity

For Teachers 9th - 10th
In this learning activity, students use a web-based geologic timeline to examine temperature, CO2 concentration, and ice cover data to investigate how climate has changed during the last 715 million years. Students will gain an...
Lesson Plan
Climate Literacy

Clean: Carbon Calculator Activity

For Teachers 9th - 10th
In this learning activity, learners use a web-based carbon calculator to determine their carbon footprint on the basis of their personal and household habits and choices. Students identify which personal activities and household choices...
Lesson Plan
Climate Literacy

Clean: Understanding Ocean Acidification

For Teachers 9th - 10th
The following is a series of 5 activities regarding ocean acidifcation Young scholars will learn about rising Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, climate change, ocean reefs, marine calcifers and ocean pH.
Lesson Plan
Climate Literacy

Clean: It's Time to Tell the Story About Buds, Leaves and Global Warming

For Teachers 9th - 10th
In this activity, learners explore how, in New England, the timing of color change and leaf drop of deciduous trees is changing.
Lesson Plan
Climate Literacy

Clean: Introduction to Earth's Climate

For Teachers 9th - 10th
This lesson is an introduction to Earth's climate and covers key principles regarding Earth's unique climate, atmosphere, and regional and temporal climate differences. Students will gain an understanding of how the weather and climate...
Lesson Plan
Climate Literacy

Clean: A Global Issue: The Impacts of Climate Change

For Teachers 9th - 10th
This is lesson plan five of a 9-lesson plan module. Activity explores the effects of climate change on different parts of the Earth system and on human well-being: polar regions, coral reefs, disease vectors, extreme weather, and...
Lesson Plan
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College

Serc: A Reader's Guide to Climate Change

For Teachers 9th - 10th
For this activity from the Deep Earth Academy, students divide into groups to read and discuss one of nine short articles (1-2 pages) about research done by the Ocean Drilling Program. These articles discuss our understanding about past...
Lesson Plan
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College

Serc: Carbon Temperature Model

For Teachers 9th - 10th
With this carbon/temperature interactive model, students investigate the role of atmospheric carbon in the greenhouse effect using a relationship between atmospheric carbon dioxide and global temperature.
US Environmental Protection Agency

Epa: Global Warming Wheel Card [Pdf]

For Students 9th - 10th
Students construct a Global Warming Wheel Card, a hand-held tool that they can use to estimate their household's emissions of carbon dioxide and learn how they can reduce them.

Climate Central: Surging Seas

For Students 9th - 10th
An interactive map that shows how areas will be effective by rising sea levels. See the flooding risks down to the neighborhood. Also find statistics of affected populations, homes and lands. There is also factsheets, widgets, and action...

Clean Japan Center: Recycling

For Students 3rd - 5th
Japanese content for elementary students. Helps younger children explore environmental issues. Topics include recyling, ozone destruction, global warming, and stewardship of natural resources. Good illustrations. Also includes reading...

University of East Anglia: Climatic Research Unit

For Students 9th - 10th
This is a site from a university page of the University of East Anglia that is focused on climatic research. It offers links to information sheets, research areas, publications, and other climate links. Each of the information sheets...

Alberta Environment: Focus on Climate Change [Pdf]

For Students 9th - 10th
This article explains what climate change is, what causes it, why it poses such a threat and some of the things we can do to combat it.

1 Sky: The Basics of Climate Change

For Students 9th - 10th
Understand the basics of climate change and how it affects our planet. Learn ways to take action that can impact how our government deals with climate change