AAA Math
Aaa Math: Adding Nickels and Pennies
Use this interactive online game to find the sums of different combinations of pennies and nickels. The game keeps a running total of correct and incorrect answers, as well as the percent of correct answers.
AAA Math
Aaa Math: Adding Dimes and Pennies
Use this online game to add different combinations of dimes and pennies. The game keeps a percent score of your correct answers, as well as a running total of the number of your correct and incorrect answers.
AAA Math
Aaa Math: Adding Dimes, Nickels, and Pennies
Add different combinations of pennies, nickels, and dimes with this online game. You can see the percent of correct answers you have, as well as running totals of correct and incorrect answers.
AAA Math
Aaa Math: Adding Dollars, Dimes, and Pennies
Practice counting money using this online game. You'll be adding different combinations of dollars, dimes, and pennies together. The game keeps a running total of your correct and incorrect answers, as well as the percent of correct...
AAA Math
Aaa Math: Value of Coins
Use this interactive game to match the value of a coin with the name of the coin. The game lets you know when you answer an item correctly. Scroll down to view the game.
AAA Math
Aaa Math: Adding Nickels and Pennies
Use this interactive game to practice adding pennies and nickels. The game keeps a running total of how many correct and incorrect answers you've given.
Number Nut: The Money in Your Pocket
What do you know about the money in your pocket? Get a basic understanding of the United States monetary system and how it works in this lesson. Access links to four interactive games to practice your money and number sense skills. All...
Number Nut: Count the Dollar Coins
Count the number of dollar coins and find the total value of the money. This online quiz shows the total score as you go through the activity. The questions are randomly generated.
Number Nut: Count the Dimes
Take this online quiz to practice counting money. Find the total value of the number of dimes shown and select the correct answer. Questions are generated randomly so you can take the quiz over again.
Number Nut: Adding Values Less Than Thirty Cents
Add the money amount and coins to find the total value of the money. There are ten questions generated randomly.
Number Nut: Is There Enough? Values Under Thirty Cents
Count the coins and decide whether you have enough money to buy the object. Money value is less than thirty cents. There are ten random questions.
Number Nut: Is There Enough Money to Buy the Object?
Count the number of coins and determine if there is enough money to buy the object. Money value is less than one dollar. There are ten random questions.
Pbs Mathline Lesson Plan: Money Counts [Pdf]
This PBS lesson plan features an assortment of interactive learning activities on number sense and computation that conform to NCTM standards. You get a list of materials, activity worksheets, related resources, and extension activities....
A to Z Teacher Stuff
A to Z Teacher Stuff: Teaching Money
This lesson plan site from A to Z Teacher Stuff focuses on students identifying coin, money values, writing amounts of money, and counting money to a specific dollar amount with at least 80% accuracy.
University of Exeter: Origins of Money and of Banking
After establishing what money is and the functions of money this essay details causes and development of money, primitive forms of money, invention of banking and coinage, Greek coinage, and more.
Kushan History: Glossary
A glossary to assist your study of Kushan history that includes entries for countries, cities, rulers, religions, and the like.
Teaching Heart: Money Poems
Memorize these poems to help you remember which US coin is which, and how much each coin is worth. There are several fun poems for each coin.
The Franklin Institute
Franklin Institute: Coin Identification
Two very basic coin identification activities and a teacher lesson plan are available at this website. These activities may require an explanation before primary age students can use them.
The Franklin Institute
Franklin Institute: Technology and Coin Making
The Franklin Institute Online provides an easy-to-read history of the technology used to make coins down through history, including machines used today.
Class Flow: Shop 'Til You Drop
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart provides an end of unit review for identifying coins, adding money amounts, and making change.
Class Flow: Smart Money Lesson
[Free Registration/Login Required] The Smart Money poem is used to introduce and reinforce counting money.
Soft Schools
Soft Schools: Counting Coins Worksheet
Generate a activity that shows different amounts of coins. Students will count the coins and write the total amount of money shown. The option is given to show the answers.
Class Flow: What Can We Learn About Money?
[Free Registration/Login Required] Use this flipchart to introduce money. The magic mirror lets the children inspect pieces of the coins. Then move on to counting collections of coins, and check the answers as you go. I have used pages...
Class Flow: Build and Buy an Ice Cream Sundae
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students can build a sundae by dragging the items they want and paying for each item as they select it. When finished, they use the pen to record how much their sundae will cost.