Class Flow: Build and Buy an Ice Cream Sundae
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students can build a sundae by dragging the items they want and paying for each item as they select it. When finished, they use the pen to record how much their sundae will cost.
Class Flow: Coin Facts
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart identifies different denominations of United States coins.
Class Flow: Coin Sort
[Free Registration/Login Required] This interactive flipchart includes opportunities for basic practice with coins.
Class Flow: Coins Money
[Free Registration/Login Required] This interactive flipchart explores money. Students learn to identify a penny, nickel, dime, and quarter. Students also learn the value of these coins. There are assessment questions included. The...
Class Flow: Counting Coins
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will identify coins and their value. Students will count change up to $1.00.
Class Flow: Counting Mixed Change
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart will help students identify coins and determine the values of coins.
Class Flow: Flavor Fiesta: Money Word Problems
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will investigate money through an ice cream parlor activity. Students will determine the cost of an ice cream sundae using a recipe and price list. Students will use their Activotes to select...
Class Flow: Friend, Can You Share Some Coins
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is a lesson on coins and their value. There are student activities included.
Class Flow: Identifying and Naming Coins and Value
[Free Registration/Login Required] One flipchart page where students identify the coins and drag the correct name to match the coin, then drag the correct value to the coins.
Class Flow: Making Fair Trades
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students make fair trades using pennies and nickels or pennies and dimes. They will also review coins and their names.
Class Flow: Money
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart explores counting with coins and contains Activote questions.
Class Flow: Money
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is to help familiarize first grade students with the penny, nickel, dime, and quarter. They will learn a poem to help remember what each coin looks like and its value. They will also work...
Class Flow: Money
[Free Registration/Login Required] This interactive flipchart explores a penny, nickel, dime, and quarter. The flipchart will help students identify these basic coins and how much each coin is worth. There are assessment questions...
Class Flow: Money Coins
[Free Registration/Login Required] Identify coins by name and value (penny, nickel, dime, and quarters); Make fair trades involving combinations of pennies and nickels or pennies and dimes.
Class Flow: Money Money
[Free Registration/Login Required] This chart is designed to assess students' prior knowledge of coin recognition and then introduce a technique for adding pennies, nickels and dimes that equal 100 cents or less.
Tony's Home Page: Metals Used in Coins and Medals
A list of metals and alloys used in the coin and medal manufacturing industry.
Class Flow: Identifying Coins
[Free Registration/Login Required] This lesson is a Montessori 3-part lesson on identifying coins.
University of Nebraska Omaha
University of Nebraska: My Money [Pdf]
A teaching resource with teacher guides, lesson plans, and a test of money for grades 4, 5, and 6. Includes exercise sheets.
Online Learning Haven
Fun Social Studies: How Money Began
A brief history of the barter system and how coins and currency came into use. Includes links to related topics on the use of money.
Topmarks Online
Topmarks: Toy Shop Money Game
Money games where children work out which coins will buy toy shop items and where they can calculate change. Has different levels of difficulty.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Math Activity: Spell the Coin Name
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of recognizing coins and spelling them. Immediate feedback is given.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Math Activity: Select the Coin
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of recognizing coins. Immediate feedback is given.
Math Aids
Math Aids: Money Worksheets
Great resource to practice and strengthen math skills pertaining to money. Math worksheets are printable, may be customized, and include answer keys.
Math Aids
Math Aids: Kindergarten Worksheets
Great resource to practice and strengthen math skills pertaining to Kindergarteners. Math worksheets are printable, may be customized, and include answer keys.