English Club
English Club: Esl Games: Matching Homophones: Game 44
Match each of these six words with its homophone. Answers can be checked when completed, and a percentage score is displayed.
English Club
English Club: Esl Games: Matching Homophones: Game 45
Match each of these six words with its homophone. Answers can be checked when completed, and a percentage score is displayed.
English Club
English Club: Esl Games: Matching Homophones: Game 46
Match each of these six words with its homophone. Answers can be checked when completed, and a percentage score is displayed.
TES Global
Blendspace: There, Their, They're
A learning module that includes seven links to images, videos, activities, and a quiz about the homonyms: there, their, and they're.
TES Global
Blendspace: Homophones
A learning module with 127 links to images, videos, and text to help students learn common homophones including sea/see, hare/hair, pear/pair, ate/eight, flour/flower, son/sun, one/won, and bear/bare.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Common Issues With Homophones
This lesson goes over homophones that are commonly confused.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Common Issues With Homophones
This lesson goes over homophones that are commonly confused.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Commonly Confused Words
This lesson goes over similar words that are commonly confused.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Spelling: Common Words That Sound Alike
Brought to you by the Purdue University Online Writing Lab, common words that sound alike are listed. Examples: we're, where, were; your, you're; conscious, conscience. L.11-12.2b Spelling
English for Students: What Is the Difference Between Dew and Due?
Read the definitions and examples of commonly confused homophones "dew" and "due."
Ambleside Church of England Primary School
Easily Confused Words Quiz
Homophones can easily be confused. Test your spelling and reading skills with this quiz.
Homophone.com: Scene, Seen
Read definitions and examples of the commonly confused homophones "scene" and "seen".
English Grammar Lessons: Descent, Decent, Dissent
Learn about the difference between three commonly confused vocabulary terms, followed by a self-assessment quiz.