Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Appositive Phrases & Adverbial & Adjectival Phrases and Clauses
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] This lesson discusses the building blocks of phrases and clauses. Notice how the building blocks of phrases follow the parts of speech-nouns, verbs, adjectives, and so on....
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Restrictive & Nonrestrictive Clauses & Punctuation
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] This lesson will teach you to identify a restrictive relative clause, also known as an essential clause, and a nonrestrictive relative clause, also known as a nonessential...
University College London
University College London: Types of Pronouns
This site from the Internet Grammar of English from the University College of London provides a table with examples of several types of pronouns. For each type, example pronouns and a usage example are given. Includes practice problems.
University College London
Internet Grammar of English: Pronouns
Grammar tutorial on the correct use pronouns. Includes a follow-up exercise on the identification of pronoun types.
Get It Write
Get It Write: Who and Whom
Use the four-step trick that's on this grammar tips site and you will never have to wonder which to choose, "who" or "whom," again. There is a self test at the end of the article.
University of Sydney (Australia)
The Write Site: Common Mistakes
This interactive exercise provides eight questions for students. Students will identify verb errors and sentence fragments.
University of Western Ontario: Pronouns [Pdf]
This pronoun tutorial requires that your browser support Adobe Acrobat.
University of Victoria (Canada)
The U Vic Writer's Guide: Grammar: Clauses
This site discusses the two main types of clauses. Content includes instructions for and examples of using clauses to build different types of sentences and information on recognizing types of clauses.
Soft Schools
Soft Schools: Relative Pronouns
Learn about relative pronouns, then take a short quiz to check mastery.
TES Global
Blendspace: Grammar Pre Learner Week 3 Relative Pronouns
In this TES Blendspace, students will have access to six multimedia resources that will help them learn about relative pronouns.
Study Languages
Study Spanish: Relative Pronouns: El Que, La Que, Lo Que
An online introduction to using the Spanish relative pronouns "el que," "la que," "los que," "las que," and "lo que." Ample examples in Spanish and English illustrate their usage. Students may test their understanding of these relative...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Adjective Clause
This lesson focuses on adjective clauses; it defines adjective, clause, and adjective clause. It explains the function of adjective clauses, how they are formed using relative pronouns or adjectives, how to identify them in a sentence,...
University of Ottawa (Canada)
University of Ottawa: Using Pronouns
Clear and simple explanation of the various types of pronouns, this site is easy to read and follow.
Get It Write
Get It Write: Making Verbs Agree With Relative Pronouns
A tutorial explaining that relative pronouns "that", "which", and "who" can be singular or plural, so be sure to check to be sure you are using the correct verb, singular or plural, in your sentence. A brief quiz checks your understanding.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Middle School Lesson for Who vs. Whom
This site offers two lessons with worksheets and answer keys on the use of who vs. whom as subjects and objects and relative pronouns.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Relative Pronouns: Quiz
Choose the correct relative pronouns to complete the sentences in this seven-question quiz.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Academic Writing: Sentence Variety: Strategies for Variation
This lesson offers suggestions to help you fix short, choppy sentences, combine sentences with the same subject, and revise sentences that sound the same. L.11-12.3 Language Functions/Style
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Main and Subordinate Clauses
In this lesson, we are going to learn how to use and understand main clauses and subordinate clauses to improve your writing.
Grammar Tips
Grammar Tips: More on When to Use "Who" and Whom"
A great tutorial on the use of the pronouns, "who" and "whom," which are often confused. Many examples are given as are fool-proof ways to check whether the correct one is being used.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Relative Pronouns
Learn to use relative pronouns to link clauses together!
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Relative Clauses
We use relative pronouns to connect descriptive phrases to nouns, creating a relative clause. Test your knowledge of how they work!
University of Texas at Austin
Tex's French Grammar: Relative Pronouns Qui and Que
This site from Tex's French Grammar provides a concise and clear explanation of the forms and uses o the relative pronouns qui and que. Explains agreement with the antecedent. Provides usage examples, dialogues and interactive practice...
Mr. Fraiha's 4th Grade e.l.a. Website: Relative Pronouns
Created by a fourth grade teacher, this site explains relative pronouns, then provides several opportunities for students to text their new knowledge.
English Club
English Club: Learn English: Grammar: Pronouns: Relative Pronouns
An explanation of relative pronouns along with examples and example sentences.