National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Nctm: Figure This: Play Ball
Make a table to figure out if a baseball valued at $3000 in 1927 is worth more than a baseball valued at $3 million in 1999. Which is a better investment?
Cuemath: Compound Interest
A comprehensive guide for learning all about compound interest with definitions, formulas, solved examples, and practice questions.
Cuemath: Simple Interest
A comprehensive guide for learning all about simple interest with definitions, simple interest formula, loans, solved examples, and practice questions.
Math Notes and Math Tests
Pre Calculus Notes: Exponential Functions and Their Graphs [Pdf]
Students explore exponential functions and their graphs. Exponential decay, the natural exponential function, and compound interest are examined. Proofs, explanations, and examples are included.
Compound Interest and Exponential Growth
This site provides the compound interest equation, simplified compound interest equation,continuous compound interest equation, a demonstration of various compounding, and a review of loan balance.
Wolfram Research
Wolfram Math World: Compound Interest
This MathWorld site gives formulas involved in computing compound interest variables are fairly well defined at this site. If you scroll to the bottom of the page you will find a formula to find the time involved for the principle to...
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The Math Forum: Ask Dr. Math: Interest: Definitions
This site gives an explanation of compound interest and explains how to use it.
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: Math in Daily Life: Savings and Credit
A brief article explaining the basics about savings accounts and two kinds of interest: simple and compound. Also learn about managing your credit and credit card debt. Click on "Know the Terms: How to Manage Your Credit Cards" to read...
Free Math Help
Free Math Help: Compound Interest
The lesson examines compound interest. The tutorial consists of a future value formula, example, and additional resources.
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Hotmath: Practice Problems: Compound Interest
Three problems offer practice with compound interest. They are given with each step to the solution cleverly revealed one at a time. You can work each step of the problem then click the "View Solution" button to check each step of your...
Brown Math: Loan and Investment Formulas
This site is provided for by the Oak Roads Systems. Compound interest can work either for or against you whether you're taking out a loan or making an investment. Either way, the set of formulas for interest is the same and they are...
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The Math Forum: Ask Dr. Math: Compound Interest Rule of 70
This page gives a brief explanation on how to compute compound interest.
Purple Math
Purplemath: Exponential Functions: Introduction
Purplemath offers tables and graphs of various exponential functions for an exploration of how exponential functions behave from the real number domain. Compound interest problems are examined and the natural exponential is discussed...
Department of Defense
Do Dea: Compound Interest
The compound interest formula that banks use when the interest is compounded continually is an exponential function. Review the regular formula for compound interest on this site. Great review for the AP Calculus test!
University of Nebraska Omaha
Ec Ed Web: M&m Interesting [Pdf]
This site from the University of Omaha provides a lesson plan indicated for 6-8th grades. "During this lesson, students use the economic concepts of trade-offs and opportunity costs to decide between savings accounts with simple interest...
University of Nebraska Omaha
University of Omaha: Why We Save [Pdf]
Why do people need to save money? This lesson plan is geared for Kindergarten through 2nd grade and helps students understand the reasons for saving.
Financial Pipeline: Interest Compounding
This page gives a summary of compounding interest and distinguishes it from simple interest.
Calculator Soup
Calculator Soup: Rule of 72 Calculator
Use the Rule of 72 to estimate how long it will take to double an investment at a given interest rate. Divide 72 by the interest rate to see how long it will take to double your money on an investment.
Calculator Soup
Calculator Soup: Compound Interest Calculator
Calculate compound interest on an investment or savings. Using the compound interest formula, calculate principal plus interest or principal or rate or time.
Calculator Soup
Calculator Soup: Loan Calculator
Use this loan calculator to determine your monthly payment, interest rate, number of months or principal amount on a loan. Find your ideal payment by changing loan amount, interest rate and term and seeing the effect on payment amount.
Mocomi & Anibrain Digital Technologies
Mocomi: Simple Interest and Compound Interest
Explains simple and compound interest with formulas and examples.