Alabama Learning Exchange
Abundant Area
Explore the relationship between perimeter and area. Learners input the area and perimeter for shapes on the Shape Explorer website, solve problems using geoboards, complete a worksheet, create a PowerPoint presentation, and take an...
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Area and Perimeter Review Using Legos
Lesson plan in which students calculate area, build areas to a given amount, and calculate the perimeter with the use of Legos. Step by step instructions and videos are provided. CCSS.Math.Content.3.MD.C.7.c Use area models to represent...
Shodor Education Foundation
Shodor Interactivate: Lesson: Conditional and Simultaneous Probability
This lesson plan deals with conditional probability and the probability of simultaneous events. Problems included in this lesson tend to have solutions that are counterintuitive. This presents an opportunity to investigate more deeply...
Stat Soft: Statistics Glossary
Dozens of statistical terms are defined and illustrated in this glossary.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: What's Your Question? Multiplication Word Problems
Students will explore multiplication and word problems. They will work cooperatively to examine a story scenario, list possible questions to develop a completed word problem and solve it using a variety of strategies. The students will...
Louisiana Department of Education
Louisiana Doe: Louisiana Believes: Eureka Math Parent Guide: Multiplication and Area
A guide to support parents as they work with their students in multiplication and area.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: New House
On this one page website sharpen your logic and spatial sense skills while working on this challenge. The solution is available to double check your solution.