Grammarly Blog: Correlative Conjunctions
This Grammarly Handbook resource clarifies how to use correlative conjunctions correctly in sentences. Numerous examples are provided in this resource.
Grammarly Blog: Comma Between Correlative Conjunction Sets
This page provides the rules and exceptions for the use of commas when using corratative conjuction sets such as either or, or neither nor, or not only but also. No commas are needed between them unless the comma is needed for other...
Grammarly Blog: Parallelism With Either, Or
An explanation and examples of using parallel structure with the correlative conjunction either or.
Grammarly Blog: Starting a Sentence With a Conjunction
An explanation with examples of the capitalization and punctuation rules for beginning a sentence with a conjunction.
University of Victoria (Canada)
Elc Study Zone: Basic Coordinating Conjunctions
Tutorial discussion on coordinating conjunctions. Offers examples and links to a quiz.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Conjunctions
A screencast lesson [4 mins, 24 secs] introducing and providing examples of coordinating, subordinating, and correlative conjunctions.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Grammar: Sentence Components
This lesson focuses on sentence components. It provides a slideshow with each of the eight parts of speech plus articles; it defines each and gives examples using them in sentences. It also offers the lyrics to "The Grammar Song" in...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Parts of Speech
This tutorial focuses on the parts of speech using 6 slideshow presentations. The first lists the 8 parts of speech and their functions; the next five discuss nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and conjunctions individually. These...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Parts of Speech
This tutorial focuses on the parts of speech; it provides 6 short slideshows: the first is an overview of parts of speech, the other 5 are for each of the following parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and conjunctions;...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Subordinating Conjunctions
This slideshow lesson focuses on subordinating conjunctions by defining them, listing them, and providing examples showing placement and how to punctuate them correctly.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Asyndeton & Polysyndeton
A screencast lesson [4 mins, 28 secs] defining and providing examples of asyndeton and polysyndeton and discussing their purpose in sentences.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Beginning Sentences With "But", "And", or "Because"
A screencast lesson [7 mins, 41 secs] explaining when it is and is not appropriate to begin a sentence with the a conjunction.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Sentences Beginning With "But", "And", or "Because"
This lesson demonstrates how to use "and," "but," or "because" to start a sentence, and when it is not appropriate to do so.
Grammarly Blog: Conjunctions
This page focuses on conjunctions including what conjunctions are; the types of conjunctions: Coordinating, Correlative, and Subordinating; how to start sentences with conjunctions, examples of each of the above, and lists for each type...
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Transitions Between Ideas
This tutorial teaches writing students how to share convincing in well-written sentences that are connected from one to the other--that is, they exhibit transition. W.9-10.1c cohesion/clarity/reason, W.9-10.2c cohesion/clarity/trans
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Grammar: Other Parts of Speech
This lesson focuses on conjunctions, prepositions, and articles. It discusses the types of conjunctions and their uses, some prepositions and their uses including ending a sentence with a preposition, and definite and indefinite...
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Grammar: Try It: Other Parts of Speech
This is a non-graded practice activity in which students identify conjunctions, prepositions, and articles in a passage.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Readability: Conjunctions and Lists
This activity focuses on recognizing and demonstrating the standard use of commas with coordinating conjunctions and items in a series. It also provides a practice activity.
University of Victoria (Canada)
Elc Study Zone: Basic Subordinating Conjunctions 1 Exercise
This quiz asks students to supply the missing conjunctions from complete sentences. Fairly simple eight-question exercise.
University of Victoria (Canada)
Elc Study Zone: Basic Subordinating Conjunctions 2
This quiz asks students to supply the missing conjunctions from complete sentences. Multiple answers possible on this six-question exercise.
University of Victoria (Canada)
Elc Study Zone: Basic Subordinating Conjunctions
This English language tutorial explains subordinating conjunctions. Offers charts, examples, and links to self-tests.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Lesson Plan on How to Teach Conjunctions
This lesson focuses on teaching conjunctions including activities, links to conjunction lists and online resources, and lesson plan ideas.
Get It Write
Get It Write: Starting Sentences With "And" or "But"
Read a tutorial about coordinating conjuctions and when they can be used to begin sentences.
University of Calgary
University of Calgary: Parts of Speech Conjunctions
Nice website that offers an explanation of coordinating, subordinating, and correlative conjunctions, along with examples of usage and an interactive quiz.