University of Calgary
University of Calgary: Parts of Speech: Adverbials
This site, sponsored by the University of Calgary, has good information on what adverbials and conjunctive adverbs are, what they do, and how they are used. Examples and a list of conjuctive adverbs are also given.
The Tongue Untied
Tongue Untied Correlative Conjunctions
Maintained by the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communications, this site offers numerous examples of the rules of correlative conjunction usage. Also has hyperlinks to sections on subordinating conjunctions, coordinating...
Quia: Conjunctive Adverbs
This is a 10-question, multiple choice exercise/quiz over conjunctive adverbs.
Quia: Rags to Riches: Conjunctive Adverb Practice
In this interactive millionaire-style game, students read sentences and select the proper conjunctive adverb for each.
University of Ottawa (Canada)
Hyper Grammar: Modifiers
Explains when and how to use adverbs and adjectives properly. Also includes a short section on conjunctive adverbs and their rules of usage.
K12 Reader: Conjunctive Adverbs
This reference page focuses on conjunctive adverbs including definition, examples, a list of common conjunctive adverbs, and sentence examples.