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Getty Images

Male Doctor Discusses Radiology Slides on Phone

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Close up of doctor discussing radiology slides on the phone.
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Getty Images

Medium hand-held pan-left pan-right tilt-up - Beekeepers relocate an infestation of killer bees. / Arizona, USA

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Medium hand-held pan-left pan-right tilt-up - Beekeepers relocate an infestation of killer bees. / Arizona, USA
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Getty Images

High Angle, static - Technicians work at an archaeological excavation site in Egypt

Pre-K - Higher Ed
High Angle, static - Technicians work at an archaeological excavation site in Egypt
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Getty Images

Patient Meet with Doctor to Discuss Radiology Results - CU

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Extreme close up shot of couple meeting with medical professional to discuss radiology results. Couple reacts with joy and hope.
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Getty Images

Couple Meet with Medical Team to Discuss Treatment

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Wide shot of couple meeting with medical team to discuss radiology results. Couple reacts with joy and hope.
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Getty Images

Teenagers embracing together - Cooperation

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Teenagers embracing together - Cooperation - Volunteer - Charity
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Getty Images

Priests chant and perform at a ceremony at Bai Yun Guan Temple in Beijing.

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Priests chant and perform at a ceremony at Bai Yun Guan Temple in Beijing.
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Getty Images

Sulphur-crested Cockatoos Raiding Trash Cans, Australia

Pre-K - Higher Ed
A flock of sulphurcrested cockatoos (Cacatua Galerita) raiding garbage bins, New South Wales, Australia. Native Australian bird.
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Getty Images

Group of diverse female executives work together on a file

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Group of diverse female executives work together on a file
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Getty Images

Project manager discussing with team leaders

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Project manager discussing with team leaders and explain their task
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Getty Images

Project manager discussing with team leaders

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Project manager discussing with team leaders and explain their task
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Getty Images

City maintenance workers load trash and other debris into plastic bags.

Pre-K - Higher Ed
City maintenance workers load trash and other debris into plastic bags.
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Getty Images

Sled dogs work together to pull a sled.

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Sled dogs work together to pull a sled.
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Getty Images

Doctors reviewing medical records in hospital corridor

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Doctors reviewing medical records in hospital corridor. MS, real time.
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Getty Images

Surgeons discussing MRI scans

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Surgeons discussing MRI scans. CU, LR to RL pan, real time.
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Getty Images

Environmentalist volunteers planting trees

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Environmentalist volunteers planting trees. MS, real time.
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Getty Images

Environmentalist volunteers digging hole and planting tree

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Environmentalist volunteers digging hole and planting tree. MS, RL to LR pan, pan up, real time.
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Getty Images

Ladles stir kettles full of boiling silk cocoons.

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Ladles stir kettles full of boiling silk cocoons.
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Getty Images

MS TU PAN Man taking multigenerational family portrait with smartphone during dinner party in restaurant

Pre-K - Higher Ed
MS TU PAN Man taking multigenerational family portrait with smartphone during dinner party in restaurant
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Getty Images

MS Mature man taking multigenerational family portrait with smartphone after dinner party in restaurant

Pre-K - Higher Ed
MS Mature man taking multigenerational family portrait with smartphone after dinner party in restaurant
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Getty Images

A boy and a man feed dyed fabric into a machine to be washed and rolled in a garment factory.

Pre-K - Higher Ed
A boy and a man feed dyed fabric into a machine to be washed and rolled in a garment factory.
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Getty Images

Male Asian project manager making a video call from office

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Male Asian project manager making a video call from office
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Getty Images

Lawyer listening to colleague at courthouse

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Lawyer listening to colleague at courthouse
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Getty Images

Job Interview - Female

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Job Interview - Female