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Male Doctor Discusses Radiology Slides on Phone
Close up of doctor discussing radiology slides on the phone.
Getty Images
Medium hand-held pan-left pan-right tilt-up - Beekeepers relocate an infestation of killer bees. / Arizona, USA
Medium hand-held pan-left pan-right tilt-up - Beekeepers relocate an infestation of killer bees. / Arizona, USA
Getty Images
High Angle, static - Technicians work at an archaeological excavation site in Egypt
High Angle, static - Technicians work at an archaeological excavation site in Egypt
Getty Images
Patient Meet with Doctor to Discuss Radiology Results - CU
Extreme close up shot of couple meeting with medical professional to discuss radiology results. Couple reacts with joy and hope.
Getty Images
Couple Meet with Medical Team to Discuss Treatment
Wide shot of couple meeting with medical team to discuss radiology results. Couple reacts with joy and hope.
Getty Images
Teenagers embracing together - Cooperation
Teenagers embracing together - Cooperation - Volunteer - Charity
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Priests chant and perform at a ceremony at Bai Yun Guan Temple in Beijing.
Priests chant and perform at a ceremony at Bai Yun Guan Temple in Beijing.
Getty Images
Sulphur-crested Cockatoos Raiding Trash Cans, Australia
A flock of sulphurcrested cockatoos (Cacatua Galerita) raiding garbage bins, New South Wales, Australia. Native Australian bird.
Getty Images
Group of diverse female executives work together on a file
Group of diverse female executives work together on a file
Getty Images
Project manager discussing with team leaders
Project manager discussing with team leaders and explain their task
Getty Images
Project manager discussing with team leaders
Project manager discussing with team leaders and explain their task
Getty Images
City maintenance workers load trash and other debris into plastic bags.
City maintenance workers load trash and other debris into plastic bags.
Getty Images
Doctors reviewing medical records in hospital corridor
Doctors reviewing medical records in hospital corridor. MS, real time.
Getty Images
Surgeons discussing MRI scans
Surgeons discussing MRI scans. CU, LR to RL pan, real time.
Getty Images
Environmentalist volunteers planting trees
Environmentalist volunteers planting trees. MS, real time.
Getty Images
Environmentalist volunteers digging hole and planting tree
Environmentalist volunteers digging hole and planting tree. MS, RL to LR pan, pan up, real time.
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Ladles stir kettles full of boiling silk cocoons.
Ladles stir kettles full of boiling silk cocoons.
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MS TU PAN Man taking multigenerational family portrait with smartphone during dinner party in restaurant
MS TU PAN Man taking multigenerational family portrait with smartphone during dinner party in restaurant
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MS Mature man taking multigenerational family portrait with smartphone after dinner party in restaurant
MS Mature man taking multigenerational family portrait with smartphone after dinner party in restaurant
Getty Images
A boy and a man feed dyed fabric into a machine to be washed and rolled in a garment factory.
A boy and a man feed dyed fabric into a machine to be washed and rolled in a garment factory.
Getty Images
Male Asian project manager making a video call from office
Male Asian project manager making a video call from office
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Lawyer listening to colleague at courthouse
Lawyer listening to colleague at courthouse