Cool Math
Coolmath: Determinants for 3x3's Method 1
Discover one method to use determinants for 3x3s.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Determinants for 3x3's Method 2
Examine the second method to use determinants for 3x3s.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Cramer's Rule for 3x3's
Use this tutorial to learn how Cramer's Rule works for 3 x 3.
Cool Math
Coolmath: 2 X 2 Determinants Cruncher
Practice problems that include determinants and Cramer's Rule for 2x2 systems.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Solving 3 X 3 Systems of Equations Exercises
This CoolMath resource provides practice with solving 3 x 3 systems of equations by using Cramer's Rule.
Math Notes and Math Tests
Pre Calculus Notes: Applications of Determinants [Pdf]
The tutorial discusses applications of determinants. Students learn about Cramer?s rule, determinants, area, and volume. The resource consists of class notes and examples with solutions.
Wolfram Research
Wolfram Math World: Cramer's Rule
This site from MathWorld discusses Cramer's Rule with regard to nondegenerate solutions. The site contains links to important topics such as the determinant and the page gives the vector analog of Cramer's Rule for the three dimensional...
Math Medics
S.o.s. Math: Application of Determinant to Systems: Cramer's Rule
This lesson explains how the determinant is used for Cramer's Rule.
Trinity College Dublin
Trinity College: Development of Analysis on the Continent
This page of brief biographies taken from "A Short Account of the History of Mathematics," includes a paragraph on the life and work of Gabriel Cramer of "Cramer's Rule," fame.
Class Flow: Cramer's Rule
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart shows how to solve a system of equations using Cramer's Rule.
Interactive Mathematics
Interactive Mathematics: Determinants
Using determinants and Cramer's Rule, systems of two and three variables are solved step by step. Several examples are presented to demonstrate how Cramer's Rule is used.
Purple Math
Purplemath: Determinants
A complete lesson on matrix determinants is offered here. From explanation of what a determinant is to how to find the determinant of a 2x2 or 3x3 matrix. Steps are written in and shown for the student or teacher's use. Also provided are...
Purple Math
Purplemath: Cramer's Rule
Cramer's Rule for solving a system of equations is presented here using an example of a system in three variables with three equations. The "everything," approach of solving for all three variables is shown as well as the "selective,"...
Cool Math
Coolmath: Determinants and Cramer's Rule for 2x2 Systems
Study this tutorial to find out how to use determinants and Cramer's rule to solve 2x2 systems.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The Math Forum: Ask Dr. Math: Cramer's Rule in Action
This site provides a specific example of Cramer's Rule. The site does not explain why Cramer's Rule works, yet does a fair job of expressing the method to reach the answers.