Curated Video
Hedgie Birthday
Pins and Nettie have been invited to the birthday party of one of their hedgie friends. They are really excited about going but until they realize there are going to be a bunch of hedgies they never met before there.
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Hedgies in the Snow
The hedgies wake up to their world covered in snow and are not sure what to make of it. They’ve never seen snow before and now their entire world suddenly looks completely different than they are used to.
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Hedgie Treasures
Nettie is playing with one of her shiny treasures – a little ball of tin foil! Pins sees what fun Netties is having and wants to join in. But Nettie isn’t sure. Her treasures are usually just for her and she’s nervous about letting Pins...
Curated Video
Hedgie and the Smell
Pins and Nettie encounter a snail who is even more shy than they are. Now the wellie is on the other foot and the hedgies must learn how to help their shy friend and make her feel safe and comfortable.
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Hedgie Sleepover
Pins and Nettie have been invited to a sleepover at their friend’s house. They’ve been excited about it for such a long time but now that the night has arrived, they are apprehensive about sleeping somewhere other than their own beds.
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Hedgie Hide and Seek
Pins and Nettie are playing a game of hide and seek but neither one of them like the pressure of being “it” – they both much prefer hiding. So, they come up with a new way to play the game that works for them.
Curated Video
Hedgie Hiccups
Pins has the hiccups. When Nettie and the Narrator giggle because they think it’s cute, Pins think they are laughing at him and he hides away and refuses to come out until the hiccups are gone.
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Hedgie Highway
Pins and Nettie love exploring and wandering along the Hedgehog Highway. But today there’s a new door and the hedgies don’t know what to make of it!
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Hedgie Sing Along
Pins and Nettie encounter a Chaffinch during their daily exploration. Pins and Nettie love the bird’s song but when the bird encourages them to sing along, they need some encouragement.
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Hedgie Kitty Continued
The Narrator’s kitten is back and Pins and Nettie still have a hard time dealing with her. They like the kitten, it’s just that she can be… a bit much.
Curated Video
Follow the Hedgie
Pins, Nettie and their friends are playing “Follow the Leader” and Pins is “it”! But Pins isn’t sure he wants to be the leader – what if he does a bad job and ruins the game?
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Hedgie Sledding
Now used to the snow, Pins and Nettie looking for stuff to do in it. The Narrator introduces them to sledging, something she loved to do when she was little. Sledging looks… fast, and slippery. Nettie loves it, but Pins isn’t so sure.
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Hedgie Painting
Pins and Nettie are happily painting pictures. Pins’ picture of him and Nettie is absolutely amazing – it looks just like her! Pins feels really proud of his art, but Nettie, after seeing how good Pins’ picture is, becomes embarrassed of...
Curated Video
Hedgie Hike
It’s a lovely day and Pins want to go for a walk in the meadow and do some exploring. But Nettie is content to read under a shady tree. But Pins doesn’t want to go on a walk alone. The hedgies appear to be at an impasse about the best...
Curated Video
Hedgie Veggie
The Narrator brought some freshly grown carrots from her garden for Pins and Nettie to try. But Pins and Nettie have never had carrots before. They tend to stick to food they know they enjoy, like strawberries. Neither of them is sure...
Curated Video
Hedgie Puddles
It’s a rainy, rainy day and Nettie and Pins are having fun playing in the rain. But then they come upon a puddle and aren’t sure what to do. It looks like splashing in the puddle could be fun, but they’ve never done it before, so maybe not?
Curated Video
Hedgie Hound
When out in the neighbourhood, Pins and Nettie hear some unsettling noise coming from behind a fence. But when they figure out that it’s just a friendly dog barking, they feel much better!
Curated Video
Hedgie Thunder
It’s thundering out and Pins and Nettie do not like it one bit. The thunder especially makes them really anxious. But once they think of the thunder as will rather than scary, the hedgies realize that thunderstorms can actually be lots...
Curated Video
Hedgie Hokey Pokey
Pins and Nettie have been invited to their friend’s dance party! But the hedgies completely freak out at the prospect of doing the hokey-pokey. What if they put their left foot out when they are supposed to be shaking it all about?!
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Hedgie Pressie
While exploring, Pins comes across a shiny stone that he thinks would be perfect for Nettie’s shiny things collection. But Pins when he goes to give Nettie her present, Pins shies away. What if Nettie doesn’t like it after all?!
Curated Video
Happy Hedgie Halloween
Pins and Nettie are super excited about their first Halloween – they both love dressing up and eating candy. As they venture to one of Galway’s Georgian neighbourhood, they realize that this whole trick or treating thing might be a bit...
Curated Video
Hedgie Halloween
Pins and Nettie are in their costumes and ready for Halloween. But what they aren’t ready for are the scary looking jack-o-lanterns.
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Hedgie and Kitty
The Narrator brought her new kitten with her today. She’s super cute and really wants to play with Pins and Nettie. But the hedgehogs aren’t so sure and are going to need some help warming up to her.
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Hedgie Kickball
Pins and Nettie have been invited by the other neighbourhood hedgies to play kickball but that aren’t sure they want to. They’ve never played before and what if they aren’t any good at it?