Sophia Learning
Sophia: Apostrophes
This slideshow lesson lists the uses of apostrophes: to show possession, create contractions, and identify missing letters. It explains the rules for each of these uses and provides examples.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: The Apostrophe
This site focuses on the three uses for apostrophes: forming possessives of nouns, forming plurals of lowercase letters, and showing omission of letters and provides examples of each.
SUNY Empire State College
Empire State College: Apostrophes
This resource looks at the three main uses of apostrophes: to take the place of deleted letters; to show possession; and to show plurals of letters, numbers, symbols, abbreviations and words used as words.
This article contains rules about the correct way to incorporate possessives into college writing. A link with downloadable practice exercises is included at the end of the lesson.
Towson University
Towson University: Ows: Apostrophe Use Exercise 1
This is a 10-question, self-grading exercise/quiz on the use of Apostrophes.
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Contraction Worksheets
This learning module provides remediation with forming contractions. Practice with forming contractions from separate words is provided with through two different worksheets.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Apostrophes in Contractions
This lesson explains the use of apostrophes to form contractions.
University of Ottawa (Canada)
U of Ottawa Hyper Grammar: Punctuation
Writing center tutorial for how to correctly use various types of punctuation, including the apostrophe in contractions, possessives, and pronouns.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Apostrophes and Contractions: Introduction to Contractions
Try these five multiple-choice questions to help review your understanding of contractions and apostrophes.
Grammarly Blog: Apostrophe Rules
This page focuses on the rules for the uses and misuses of the apostrophe including contractions and omissions, possessive nouns, possessive pronouns, how to write joint possession, plurals, apostrophes with surrounding punctuation, and...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Biology: Pregnancy and Childbirth
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Overview of pregnancy and childbirth.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: The Simple Future
This slideshow lesson focuses on the simple future verb tense; it provides background about verb tenses, defines simple future, offers examples, and alerts the reader about the use of contractions, such as I'll for I will.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Apostrophes: Tutorial
In this slideshow tutorial, the punctuation topic of "the apostrophe" is reviewed. Each slide provides a different purpose for using an apostrophe.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Apostrophes and Contractions
This lesson focuses on apostrophes and contractions; it defines contractions and discusses how they are formed by using the apostrophe to replace the missing letters. It provides a list of common contractions and the words they stand...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Apostrophes and Contractions
This slideshow lesson focuses on apostrophes and contractions; it defines contractions and shows how contractions are formed using apostrophes for the missing letters. It provides a contraction chart including the contraction, its...
Education Development Center
Tune in to Learning: Grammar and Punctuation
Discover more about grammar and punctuation when you check out this comprehensive site. This site gives a tutorial on correct grammar usage.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Grammar: Punctuation
This lesson focuses on the roles of all of the punctuation marks; it provides a video, small practices in various sections, and a punctuation self-check.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Readability: Contractions, Acronyms, and Numbers
This lesson plan focuses on recognizing and demonstrating the standard uses of apostrophes including in possessives, contractions, acronyms, and numbers. It also provides a practice activity.
Learning Games For Kids
Learning Games for Kids: Where Does the Apostrophe Go?
Play this online learning game by showing where the apostrophe would go in several different contractions. Master all three levels to win the game.
Gcf Global: Contractions
This tutorial explores how contractions are used. Includes a list of common contractions.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Overview of Contractions
This resource has three sections: Overview of Contractions, video demonstration and teaching tips. It provides downloads of the following: lesson plan, lesson materials, word list, and video transcript.
Florida Center for Reading Research
Florida Center for Reading Research: Word Knowledge: Contraction Bingo
A lesson plan in which students play a game of Bingo by matching words and their contractions. Materials are included.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Introduction to Contractions
Apostrophes help shorten words by creating contractions. Learn how to spot them!