Stock Footage0:16
Getty Images

Travertine pools in Pamukkale

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Travertine pools in Pamukkale
Stock Footage0:16
Getty Images

Travertine pools in Pamukkale

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Travertine pools in Pamukkale
Stock Footage0:30
Getty Images

HD: Cotton Castle 'Pamukkale'

Pre-K - Higher Ed
HD: Cotton Castle 'Pamukkale'
Instructional Video4:24
American Chemical Society

How Seashells Are Made

9th - Higher Ed Standards
What do chalk and seashells have in common? They are both primarily calcium carbonate! Learn how sea creatures use crystalline structure to their advantage as they build their shell homes. An installment of a larger series on reactions...
Instructional Video4:39

What if Cracks in Concrete Could Fix Themselves?

6th - 12th
Concrete, heal thyself! A fascinating video describes the self-healing properties of concrete, known as autonomous healing. Pupils also learn about ways that engineers try to make concrete more resistant to cracks, such as by adding...
Instructional Video11:24
JFR Science

Solubility and Reactions in Solution: How Does My Water Softener Work?

9th - Higher Ed Standards
What is soap scum, and why does it form? Explore hard versus soft water with a video from JFR Science. The narrator explains why someone might have hard water, the factors that affect ion solubility, and how a water softener addresses...
Instructional Video4:31
Fuse School

Limestone Cycle - Limestone, Quicklime and Slaked Lime

9th - 12th
Calcium rocks! Well, in this case, calcium carbonate is a little more accurate. Part four in a series of seven, the video describes how the seashells of ages past compressed to form one of Earth's most useful sedimentary rock resources....
Instructional Video4:21
Fuse School

Hard and Soft Water

9th - 12th
What does it mean to have hard or soft water? Learners discover the chemistry behind water hardness in the fifth video of a seven-part series describing our water resources. Using simple animations and balanced chemical equations, young...
Instructional Video5:25
Fuse School

Uses of Limestone - Cement, Mortar, and Concrete

9th - 12th
This rock is on a roll! Introduce young geologists and environmentalists to the many uses of limestone using the fifth installment in a series of seven. Illustrate the components and properties of cement, mortar, and concrete,...
Instructional Video3:27
Fuse School

Testing for Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Ammonia, and Chlorine

9th - 12th
How can a chemist tell what gas a chemical reaction produced? Part two of a ten-part series prompts pupils to discover a number of simple tests that can reveal the identity of a gas. The video reinforces the concepts of solubility,...
Instructional Video9:53
Get Chemistry Help

Chemistry Lesson: Gas Evolution Reactions

9th - 12th
Ah, chemical reactions and gases ... there always seems to be more to learn. This short and detailed video segment describes double displacement reactions (gas evolution reactions) to create a gaseous byproduct. Four gases discussed in...
Instructional Video0:49
Steve Spangler Science

Naked Egg - Sick Science! #031

4th - 8th
It's amazing how much science can be taught with the use of eggs! Spangler gives a little "teaser" sample of some of the amazing demonstrations and experiments that can be done with them. In this one, he puts an egg in a glass of...