Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Capacitors in Electrocardiography Monitors
This passage will test your knowledge on capacitors.
Cosmo Learning
Cosmo Learning: Capacitors
A collection of video lectures discussing capacitors from a physics course taught at East Los Angeles College. In eleven lectures, the topics of capacitors, dielectrics, and energy theory are covered with explanations and examples....
Team Rocs: Resistance vs. Impedance
Compares resistance and impeadance using the example of car audio.
Learn AP Physics
Learn Ap Physics: Physics B: Conductors and Capacitors
A site dedicated to help students prepare for the AP Physics B test. This specific site reviews conductors and capacitors including polarization and dielectrics. Site contains links to video lectures and practice problems.
University of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin: 4 Electricity
A description of several demonstrations for static electricity concepts. The demonstrations utilizing the Telsa coil, Faraday cage, and Van de Graaff generator are ideal for demonstrating electric potential concepts. Suitable for student...
University of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin: 5 Magnetism
From an online teacher demonstration book. Includes a description and explanation of five demonstrations on a variety of magnetism topics. Interesting and captivating demos.