Mr. Nussbaum
Lobsters are the topic of an informational text that scholars read then answer a series of questions. A progress report details their work.
Mr. Nussbaum
The Color Green
A two-paragraph informative text takes a close look at the color green. Scholars listen to and or read the passage, then answer five multiple-choice questions. A progress report details learners' performance.
Math Cats
Math Cats: Cat Tails and Other Animal Stories
A great resource for kids stories about animals and mathematics with numerous links to the stories.
Beacon Learning Center
Beacon Learning Center: Piece of Pie
This is a tutorial for creating and practice interpreting pie charts. They use the example of number of people in each of 24 families to demonstrate how the pieces of pie are created. Then questions were asked and students input the...
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: Big Al [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for Andew Clements Yoshi's book, Big Al, is provided on these pages. Eight character roles are needed in this activity.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: Christmas Everywhere [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for Phillip Brooks' children's book, Christmas Everywhere, is provided on these pages. Eight character roles are needed in this activity.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: The Great Apple Slice Escape [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for Lois Walker's children's book, The Great Apple Slice Escape, is provided on these pages. Eleven (or more) character roles are needed in this activity.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: Hedgie's Surprise [Pdf]
A reader's theater adaptation of Kary A. Johnson's book, Hedgie's Surprise, is provided on this script. Nine character roles are needed in this activity.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: Hey Little Ant [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for Phillip M. Hoose's book, Hey Little Ant, is provided on these pages. Three character roles are needed in this activity.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: The Polar Express [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for Chris Van Allsburg's illustrated children's book, The Polar Express, is provided on these pages. Eight narrators are needed in this activity.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: The Giving Tree [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for Shel Silverstein's narrative poem, The Giving Tree, is provided on these pages. Thirteen character roles are needed in this activity.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: The Gingerbread Boy [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for The Gingerbread Boy is provided on these pages. Nine character roles are needed in this activity.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: The Snowy Day [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for Ezra Jack Keats' children's book, The Snowy Day, is provided on these pages. Eight character roles are needed in this activity.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: Snowed in at Polkweed Public School [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for John Bianchi's young adult book, Snowed in at Polkweed Public School, is provided on these pages. Seven character roles are needed in this activity.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: Snowballs [Pdf]
A reader's theater adaptation of Lois Ehlert's early childhood book, Snowballs, is provided on this script. Nine character roles are needed in this performance.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: Kevin Henkes' Sheila Rae, the Brave [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for Kevin Henkes' children's book, Sheila Rae, the Brave, is provided on these pages. Eight character roles are needed in this activity.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: The Red Balloon [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for Ruby Cremaschi's story adaptation, The Red Balloon, is provided on these pages. Six character roles are needed in this activity.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: Puppies for Sale [Pdf]
A reader's theater adaptation of the early childhood book, Puppies for Sale, is provided on this script. Six character roles are needed in this activity.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: No Bath Tonight [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for Jane Yolen's children's book, No Bath Tonight, is provided on these pages. Four character roles are needed in this activity.
Free Reading
Free Reading: Identifying and Generating Rhyming Words: A Story About Fred
A fun poem about "Fred" that the teacher reads to the class and students guess what the missing words are. When they guess correctly, they are able to draw the character.
Free Reading
Free Reading: Guess What I'm Thinking?: Initial Sound Accuracy
A version of the "20 Questions" game. The instructor tells the class he is thinking of something that starts with, for example, /b/. The students have to come up with what the teacher is thinking of.
Free Reading
Free Reading: Long Vowel Choice Game; Letter Sound Accuracy
An entertaining, whole class game to build the accuracy of the young scholars' abilities to identify the sounds of different vowels. This site includes a link to a Word List Generator.
Free Reading
Free Reading: Letter Ring Game: Letter Sound Accuracy Activity
A fun, unique version of the game "Ring Around the Rosie" that builds the students' accuracy in identifying letters, sounds, and words that begin with that letter. A link to printable letter cards is provided on this site as well.
Free Reading
Free Reading: Connect 4 Words: Letter Sound Accuracy Activity
A reading game based on "Connect 4" that will build student's abilities to say the name and sound of a letter and find a word beginning with that sound.