Mr. Nussbaum
Young readers test their comprehension skills with an interactive practice. Pupils read a brief informational text about money then answer five questions. A detailed page appears at the end to showcase participants' work.
Library of Congress
Loc: Teachers: Personal Stories and Primary Sources
Students will explore the value of personal stories and first-hand accounts when exploring history, in this case, the events of the early twentieth century, which included World War I and the Great Depression. Through this five-unit...
Shodor Education Foundation
Shodor Interactivate: Area (Elementary)
In this lesson students will practice finding the area of rectangular shapes and irregular shapes with right angles and understand why the area formula works for rectangular shapes. CCSS.Math.Content.3.MD.C.5.b A plane figure which can...
Shodor Education Foundation
Shodor Interactivate: Lesson: Estimation (Elementary)
In this lesson learners will practice estimation with computation, counting, length and area.
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Acid Rain and Aquatic Life
Chemicals from the Earth's atmosphere are making their way down to the planet. Not in spaceships, but in rain. The acid rain can infiltrate ground water, lakes, and streams. How does acid rain affect aquatic ecosystems?
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: Daisy Head Mayzie [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for Dr. Seuss'children's book, Daisy-Head Mayzie, is provided on these pages. Sixteen character roles are needed in this activity.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: Mrs. Toggle's Zipper [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for Robin Pulver's early elementary book, Mrs. Toggle's Zipper, is provided on these pages. Ten character roles are needed in this activity.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: The Little Red Hen [Pdf]
A reader's theater adaptation of the folk tale, The Little Red Hen, is provided on this script. Five character roles are needed in this activity.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: Kimberly Willis Holt's Piper Reed Navy Brat [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for Kimberly Willis Holt's book, Piper Reed Navy Brat, is provided on these pages. Seven character roles are needed in this activity.
University of Texas
Inside Mathematics: Carol's Number [Pdf]
This task challenges a student to demonstrate understanding of concepts involved in place value.
University of Texas
Inside Mathematics: Incredible Equations [Pdf]
This task challenges a student to demonstrate understanding of concepts involved in addition and subtraction.
University of Texas
Inside Mathematics: Peanuts and Ducks [Pdf]
This task challenges a student to demonstrate understanding of concepts involved in addition and subtraction. A student must be fluent with addition and subtraction within 100 and understand the relationship between addition and...
University of Texas
Inside Mathematics: Pocket Money [Pdf]
This task challenges a student to demonstrate fluency in adding and subtracting whole numbers.
University of Texas
Inside Mathematics: Sheeps and Ducks [Pdf]
This task challenges a student to use addition and multiplication to think about and calculate equal sized groups.
University of Texas
Inside Mathematics: A Question of Numbers [Pdf]
This task challenges a student to use an understanding of numbers and place value through the thousands place.
University of Texas
Inside Mathematics: Adding Numbers [Pdf]
This task challenges a student to use knowledge of place value to solve a problem using a variety of strategies.
University of Texas
Inside Mathematics: Boxing the Pots [Pdf]
This task challenges a student to demonstrate an understanding of concepts involved in multiplication and division.
University of Texas
Inside Mathematics: Garden Design [Pdf]
This task challenges a student to use understanding of area to find the area of shapes on a grid.
University of Texas
Inside Mathematics: Parking Cars [Pdf]
This task challenges a student to use their understanding of scale to read and interpret data in a bar graph.
University of Texas
Inside Mathematics: The Answer Is 36 [Pdf]
This task challenges a student to use knowledge of operations and their inverses to complete number sentences.
University of Texas
Inside Mathematics: Which Shape [Pdf]
This task challenges a student to use knowledge of geometrical attributes to identify and describe shapes.
Yad Vashem, The World Holocaust Remembrance Center
Yad Vashem: My Doll From the Memories of Yael Rosner
How do you teach the Holocaust to young children? The story "The Doll" is adapted for young children to help them understand the struggle and resilience of the Jewish children. The story omits all gruesome events. Use these teaching...
The World of Beverly Cleary: Teaching Resources
A comprehensive guide to teaching Beverly Cleary's Ramona books. Includes material available as web pages as well as PDF formats. Also provides the words of Cleary herself when discussing characterization, as well as some unforgettable...
Read Write Think: A Genre Study of Letter With the Jolly Postman
In this lesson outline based on The Jolly Postman by Janet and Allan Ahlberg, students learn about parts of a letter, the different genres of mail, and letter attributes by studying the letters included in the book.