Mr. Nussbaum
Lobsters are the topic of an informational text that scholars read then answer a series of questions. A progress report details their work.
Mr. Nussbaum
The Color Green
A two-paragraph informative text takes a close look at the color green. Scholars listen to and or read the passage, then answer five multiple-choice questions. A progress report details learners' performance.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: Christmas Everywhere [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for Phillip Brooks' children's book, Christmas Everywhere, is provided on these pages. Eight character roles are needed in this activity.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: The Great Apple Slice Escape [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for Lois Walker's children's book, The Great Apple Slice Escape, is provided on these pages. Eleven (or more) character roles are needed in this activity.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: Hedgie's Surprise [Pdf]
A reader's theater adaptation of Kary A. Johnson's book, Hedgie's Surprise, is provided on this script. Nine character roles are needed in this activity.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: Hey Little Ant [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for Phillip M. Hoose's book, Hey Little Ant, is provided on these pages. Three character roles are needed in this activity.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: Just Grace [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for Charise Mericle Harper's book, Just Grace, is provided on these pages. Six character roles are needed in this activity.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: Snowed in at Polkweed Public School [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for John Bianchi's young adult book, Snowed in at Polkweed Public School, is provided on these pages. Seven character roles are needed in this activity.
Pbs Kids: Plum Landing: Invaders
This game is based on the PBS Kids' series, Plum Landing. Students will read various informational texts about invasive species. Then students will attempt to rid various regions of their invasive species.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: The Grinch Who Stole Christmas [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for Dr. Seuss' young adult book, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, is provided on these pages. An entire class is needed in this activity.
TES Global
Tes: Nouns: Revision: Explanation Booklet
[Free Registration/Login Required] This seven-page resource provides definitions for different categories of nouns: common, proper, collective, hyphenated, compound, and abstract. Numerous examples with pictures are provided for each...
Read Works
Read Works: Passages: Paired Text: "Trouble at Reading Railroad" by w.m. Akers
[Free Registration/Login Required] The two passages "Apple the Cat Calls a Meeting to Order" and "Trouble at Reading Railroad" share the theme of problems and their consequences. Question sets are provided for each passage separately and...
Read Works
Read Works: When Will We Have Flying Cars? By Linda Ruggieri
[Free Registration/Login Required] This passage is about the possibility of flying cars in the future. A comprehension question set and a vocabulary worksheet are also provided.
Read Works
Read Works: Oceans, Rivers, and Lakes by Linda Ruggieri
[Free Registration/Login Required] This passage focuses on bodies of water including oceans, rivers, and lakes including explaining how the oceans get salty. A comprehension question set and a vocabulary worksheet for the word "vent" are...
Utah Education Network
Uen: Effects of Tobacco
This lesson engages students in learning about the negative impact of tobacco. Students will demonstrate their learning by writing what they have learned on hearts that will be strung together and displayed. Students will also write...
Utah Education Network
Uen: Utah Act. 03: Just a Minute
Using the tradebook Just a Minute by Teddy Slater, 2nd graders will learn about what is needed for a healthy body. Students will draw and illustrate a book that will teach other about short activities that will support a healthy body.
Utah Education Network
Uen: What Did I Touch Today?
In this lesson, students will assess what items in the classroom are touched the most. Students will investigate germs and distinguish between communicable and noncommunicable diseases. Lesson Plan: More Than One: Irregular Plural Nouns
[Free Registration/Login Required] Irregular plural nouns are introduced in this multisensory lesson plan. Supplementary posters, a video, and practice pages accompany the instructional activity.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: "The Bad News" [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for Alvin Swartz's short story, "The Bad News" from More Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, is provided on these pages. Five character roles are needed in this activity.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Proper Case of Pronouns | No Nonsense Grammar
Pronoun case is determined by how we use the pronoun in a sentence. There are three ways: subjective, when the pronoun does something; objective, when something is done to our pronoun; and possessive, when our pronoun possesses something.
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Science: Easter Island: What Can We Find in a Pond?
Explore Easter Island in this module to learn about the animals and their habitats.
Utah Education Network
Uen: It Looked Like
Make a class book based on the format of "It Looked Like Spilt Milk".
Bscs: Earth's Changing Surface Lesson 3: Grand Canyon Explorers
Students will learn that landforms can change over time in this lesson. Included are a minute-by-minute lesson plan, activities, and teacher discussion points and questions.
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Street Orchestra: 3 D Space
Join Allegro in his street orchestra and learn about 3D shapes.