Mr. Nussbaum
Blue Whale
An interactive tests scholars' reading comprehension skills. After reading or listening to a brief informational text, learners answer five fill-in-the-blank questions. Results appear instantly.
Shodor Education Foundation
Shodor Interactivate: Area (Elementary)
In this lesson students will practice finding the area of rectangular shapes and irregular shapes with right angles and understand why the area formula works for rectangular shapes. CCSS.Math.Content.3.MD.C.5.b A plane figure which can...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Leaves and Light
Leaves use sunlight to make food for the plant. Sunlight contains all of the colors of the rainbow, but are all of those colors used by the leaf? Can you find out if some colors of light are more important than others?
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: What Color Are the Leaves Really Turning?
Everyone loves the beautiful colors of fall, but where they come from and how they change color is a mystery. In this project, you will uncover the hidden colors of fall by separating plant pigments with paper chromatography.
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: With a Little Bread as Bait, Can You Make a Bird Migrate?
You might like to play in the autumn leaves and winter snow, but have you noticed that many birds don't like to stick around for the cold weather? And instead of the birds you're used to seeing in the warm months, your new feathered...
Pbs Learning Media: Looking for Lincoln Throughout His Life
In this two-part lesson, students gather facts about Lincoln through a variety of hands-on activities. They will tell a story about their own lives by selecting classroom objects then create a timeline of Lincoln's life and their own.
Sheppard Software
Sheppard Software: Vocabulary Web Games: La Games
Various vocabulary games and tests with links by grade level and others which can help in the preparation for the SAT and GRE tests. You will also find tests on Computer terms as well as medical terms.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: Mrs. Toggle's Zipper [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for Robin Pulver's early elementary book, Mrs. Toggle's Zipper, is provided on these pages. Ten character roles are needed in this activity.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: Kimberly Willis Holt's Piper Reed Navy Brat [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for Kimberly Willis Holt's book, Piper Reed Navy Brat, is provided on these pages. Seven character roles are needed in this activity.
University of Texas
Inside Mathematics: Carol's Number [Pdf]
This task challenges a student to demonstrate understanding of concepts involved in place value.
University of Texas
Inside Mathematics: Don's Shapes [Pdf]
This task challenges a student to demonstrate understanding of the attributes of two-dimensional shapes.
University of Texas
Inside Mathematics: Half and Half [Pdf]
This task challenges a student to demonstrate understanding of one-half in a geometric context.
University of Texas
Inside Mathematics: A Question of Numbers [Pdf]
This task challenges a student to use an understanding of numbers and place value through the thousands place.
University of Texas
Inside Mathematics: Garden Design [Pdf]
This task challenges a student to use understanding of area to find the area of shapes on a grid.
University of Texas
Inside Mathematics: The Answer Is 36 [Pdf]
This task challenges a student to use knowledge of operations and their inverses to complete number sentences.
BioEd Online
Bio Ed Online: River Ecology
In this lesson plan students are required to simulate activities that can affect a water source, such a river as it flows from one place to another within a community.
BioEd Online
Bio Ed Online: Why Is Water Important?
Provided here is a pre-assessment to gauge student's knowledge of the role and importance of water in their daily lives. Can be revisited as part of the post-assessment. Student sheets are provided in English and in Spanish.
BioEd Online
Bio Ed Online: What Dissolves in Water?
In this lesson students will investigate whether several common substances are soluble in water. Student sheets are provided in English and in Spanish.
BioEd Online
Bio Ed Online: What Makes Water Special?
In this lesson students will explore and compare the physical properties of water and oil. Student sheets are provided in English and in Spanish.
Scholastic News: Week of 7 21 14 : Can Frogs Fight Back?
Find out how scientists are working to increase the lifespan of frog populations that have been under attack by fungus.
Boise State University
Boise State University: Hadalpelagic Zone
View images and learn facts about this zone found deep in the ocean.
Boise State University
Boise State University: Ocean Exploration: Abyssopelagic (Abyssal) Zone
Learn about the very cold, dark region of the ocean known as the abyss. Includes information on the origin of the name of this ocean zone, as well as information on its depth and animal life.
National Geographic
National Geographic: Measuring Weather With Tools
Work with students to identify and understand the tools used to measure weather and how they're used.
National Geographic
National Geographic: How Slaves Found Their Way North
Help young students understand how slaves utilized the Underground Railroad with this lesson plan.