Cmh: Gateway to Aboriginal Heritage: Discovering Objects
A teacher lesson plan, student activity sheet and artifact information packages provide students with the opportunity to interpret items before presenting their hypothesis to the class.
2nd Grade Meld Lessons Aligned to Ccss
This unit plan includes reading and writing lessons connected to opinion writing. This resource was developed by the Academic English Mastery Program from the Los Angeles Unified School District.
Shodor Education Foundation
Shodor Interactivate: Fraction Conversion
Students learn how to convert from fractions to decimals.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Westward Ho!
A scanned copy of the 1897 publication of Westward Ho! by Charles Kingsley, a fiction book for children.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: The Fur Traders of the West
A scanned copy of the 1896 publication The Fur Traders of the West by Ernest Richard Suffling, a fiction book for children.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Pierrette
A scanned copy of the 1896 publication of Pierrette by Marguerite Bouvet, a fiction book for children.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: The Story of Reynard the Fox
A scanned copy of the 1852 publication of The Story of Reynard the Fox, a fiction book for children.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Emilie the Pacemaker
A scanned copy of the 1851 publication of Emilie the Pacemaker by Thomas Geldart, a fiction book for children.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Fanny, the Flower Girl
A scanned copy of the 1851 publication of Fanny, the Flower-girl by Daniel Parish Kidder, a fiction book for children.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Phoebe
A scanned copy of the 1851 publication of Phoebe, a fiction book for children.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Generosity
A scanned copy of the 1850 publication of Generosity by Mary Hughs, a book of poetry for children.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: King Edwin and Northumbria
A scanned copy of the 1850 publication of King Edwin and Northumbria, a fiction book for children.
University of Arkansas: Arkansas Historical Association: Slavery in Arkansas
A series of lesson plans and teaching activities on slavery in Arkansas are provided for educators.
Ghost Letter Digraphs
This Prezi presentation gives examples of the silent-letter digraphs kn, wr, and gn.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: L.4.6: Acquire and Use Grade Appropriate Words and Phrases
Links to 10 lessons and activities that build student skills in standard L.4.6: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, including those that signal precise actions, emotions,...
Florida Center for Reading Research
Florida Center for Reading Research: Words in Context: Pun Fun [Pdf]
A lesson plan in which students choose three selections of interesting word play in a text and then work with a partner to discuss their choices. Materials are included.
Florida Center for Reading Research
Florida Center for Reading Research: Monitor for Understanding: Stop and Ask [Pdf]
A lesson plan in which students read a text stopping to answer questions as they read. Materials are included.
Code.org: For Loop Fun
We know that loops allow us to do things over and over again, but now we're going to learn how to use loops with extra structure built right in.
Florida Center for Reading Research
Florida Center for Reading Research: Expository Text Structure: Research Roundup
A lesson plan in which learners complete graphic organizers as they gather research information. Materials are included.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Biology: Microevolution Study Guide
A general overview over the evolution of one population or one species over a short period of time.
Doina Popovici
Math Play: 4th Grade Vocabulary Game
Review important math words like composite, evaluate, degree, expression, improper, and intersecting with this review game.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier Sb: Computer Integration Activities
This list of activities designed by teachers aim to integrate information and communication technologies into the curriculum. There are also links to descriptions of various methods and practices that teachers can use to integrate...
Stephen Byrne
History for Kids: Bill of Rights
History for Kids reference page provides an overview of the Bill of Rights, outlining each of the ten amendments, and teaching about the history and principles of the U.S. Consitution and first ten amendments.
Greg Tang Math: Word Problems
Create math problems with this word problem generator. Just choose your operation, problem, unknown variable, and number range to create one problem or a list of 10 problems. Answers can be checked online or problems can be printed.