Crash Course Kids
Weather vs. Climate
So we have Weather and Climate... but are they the same thing? No, no they are not. But they are both super important to how the geosphere is shaped. In this episode of Crash Course Kids, Sabrina chats with us about the differences...
Crash Course Kids
Severe Weather
So, what's the difference between 'weather' and 'severe weather'? Is it just how hard the wind is blowing? Is it just thunder and lighting? Well, it can be some or all of those things. In this episode of Crash Course Kids, Sabrina talks...
SciShow Kids
Winter Activities! | SciShow Kids Compilation
In this SciShow Kids compilation, Jessi and Squeaks revisit some of their favorite winter activities and learn a little science along the way.
SciShow Kids
Antarctica: The Coldest Place on Earth! | SciShow Kids
If you think it's cold outside where you are, you should try living in the coldest place on Earth: Antarctica! Learn why it's a desert even though it's very cold, and about awesome animals like seals and penguins.
SciShow Kids
Penguins, Birds That Fly in Water! | SciShow Kids
Squeaks and Jessi are learning all about the animals that live at the bottom of the world, including penguins - emperor penguins, macaroni penguins, and more! We learn why penguins look like they're all dressed up, and what kind of food...
SciShow Kids
The Coldest Seas on Earth! | SciShow Kids
The oceans around Antarctica are cold, but full of life. Join Jessi and Squeaks to learn about the blubber of seals, the amazing antifreeze blood of fish, and the shrinking skills of krill.
SciShow Kids
Exploring Antarctica: From Penguins to the Coldest Seas | SciShow Kids Compilation
Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth, but there's still a lot to explore, on land and under the waves!
SciShow Kids
Say Hello to Saber-toothed Smilodon! | SciShow Kids
Smilodon the saber-toothed cat had really big teeth! Join Jessi and Squeaks and learn all about how fossils can tell us how these Ice Age animals lived.
SciShow Kids
Woolly Mammoths, Mastodons, and Amazing Teeth! | SciShow Kids
Mastodons and woolly mammoths were both ancient relatives of elephants, but they were very different! Join Jessi and Squeaks to see how we can learn all about what an ancient animal ate, just by looking at its teeth.
SciShow Kids
The Ancient Animal Crossing | SciShow Kids
Join Squeaks and Jessi as they learn about a time when lots of animals switched places -- like bears, sloths, armadillos, and more.
SciShow Kids
Tails and Tusks and Teeth, Oh My! | SciShow Kids Compilation
Come with Jessi and Squeaks as they explore some of the animals that roamed the Earth during the ice age. And a lot of these animals had giant features, like teeth the size of bananas or mouths shaped like a shovel!
SciShow Kids
The Windiest Places on Earth | SciShow Kids
Jessi and Squeaks explore two of the windiest places on Earth: Mount Washington in New Hampshire, USA, and Commonwealth Bay, Antarctica.
SciShow Kids
The Rainiest Places on Earth | SciShow Kids
In this episode of SciShow Kids, Jessi and Squeaks learn about places with record-breaking rainfall.
SciShow Kids
The Driest Places on Earth | SciShow Kids
In this SciShow Kids episode, Jessi and Squeaks learn about amazing places where it almost never rains.
SciShow Kids
All About Teeth! | SciShow Kids Compilation
In this SciShow Kids compilation, Jessi and Squeaks learn about why teeth are important, how they're different, and why some animals have really weird ones.
SciShow Kids
The Wonderful World of Insect Mouths | SciShow Kids
In this episode, Jessi and Squeaks learn about the many kinds of mouths insects can have, and why they look so different!
SciShow Kids
Meet the True Bugs | SciShow Kids
In this episode, Jessi and Squeaks learn what it takes to be a "true bug". Scientists use the word "bug" to refer to a special group of insects, so not all insects (or other critters like spiders) are bugs!
SciShow Kids
These Caterpillars Don't All Look Like Caterpillars | SciShow Kids
In this episode, Jessi and Squeaks explore the many ways that caterpillars use to avoid being munched on by predators, and that it often comes down to how they look!
SciShow Kids
The Very Big Story of the Dinosaurs | SciShow Kids Compilation
In this SciShow Kids compilation, Jessi and Squeaks learn all about dinosaurs—when they lived, how they died, and how we know so much about them.
SciShow Kids
Think Like an Engineer: Juniper's Problem | SciShow Kids
Squeaks, Jessi, and the gang are all going on vacation to the lake, but there's a problem. Our friend Juniper needs a boat, and ours is missing! Jessi proposes we think like engineers and gather information to find a way to solve our...
SciShow Kids
Think Like an Engineer: Let's Design a Solution! | SciShow Kids
Squeaks, Jessi, and the gang are designing a raft for their friend Juniper. They'll think like engineers and learn how to create a design that solves their problem.
SciShow Kids
Think Like an Engineer: The BEST Solution! | SciShow Kids
Squeaks, Jessi, and the gang have all designed rafts for our friend Juniper to ride. Now, we'll think like engineers by testing our designs, comparing them, and improving them to make the very best raft we can!
SciShow Kids
Think Like an Engineer: Solving Problems from Start to Finish | SciShow Kids Compilation
The whole crew at The Fort get together to learn how to come up with a solution to their problem the way an engineer would!
TED-Ed: The tech that seems to break the laws of physics | Anna Rothschild
Typically, with any piece of technology, you pump one unit of energy in and you get about one out. That’s just the first law of thermodynamics: energy has to be conserved. But there’s a piece of technology called a heat pump, where for...