Smithsonian Institution
Art to Zoo: Life in the Promised Land: African-American Migrants in Northern Cities, 1916-1940
This is a fantastic resource designed for learners to envision what it was like for the three million African-Americans who migrated to urban industrial centers of the northern United States between 1910 and 1940. After reading a...
Rock A Lingua
La Tierra (The Earth)
¡Es importante cuidar la tierra! Encourage beginning Spanish speakers to protect their planet and practice their vocabulary with a series of worksheets. Learners fill in the blanks, match animal vocabulary with pictures, and complete...
Rainforest Alliance
Protecting the Critical Habitat of the Manatee and Loggerhead Turtle
Explore ocean habitats with a lesson that showcases the home of manatees and loggerhead turtles in Belize. Here, pupils compare and contrast the homes of ocean animals to those of humans, listen to an original short story about...