Statistics & Probability with Cards
Give young mathematicians a chance to demonstrate their understanding of basic probability with this series of worksheets. Presented with different situations involving dice and decks of cards, students must correctly determine the...
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Hs Statistics & Probability: Using Probability to Make Decisions
Learn about probability concepts with fun learning games including Algebra II Jeopardy, Deal or No Deal, Decisions Decisions, Show Time, Playin' against All Odds, and more.
California Dept. Of Education: Cahsee Math: Statistics & Data Analysis [Pdf]
Although part of the Study Guide for the CAHSEE, this section of the document focuses on statistics, data analysis, and probability. In the study guide, students are shown why this topic is important, how they will be assessed, and then...
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Statistical Graphs & Economics
What types of statistical graphs are there and when and how are they used and read? How are statistical graphs used in Economics?
Stefan Warner and Steven R. Costenoble
Finite Mathematics & Applied Calculus: Random Variables and Distributions
Students examine random variables and distributions. Topics explored are probability distributions, and discrete and continuous random variables. The tutorial investigates the statistics concepts through class notes and examples. Review...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Median & Range Puzzlers
These conceptual problems really make you think! Getting through this exercise will deepen your understanding of median, range, and data sets in general. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions...