University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: Page Numbers
Exactly 195 digits have been used to number the pages in a book. How many pages does the book have? Sounds simple enough--if you have the right problem-solving skills. Solution provided.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: Shutting Puzzle
Sharpen your problem solving skills and figure out a solution for this interesting problem. The solution is on this one page website so that you can check your answer.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Nctm: Figure This: Tv Ratings (Pdf)
Here's a challenge for the avid TV watcher. Use your data interpretation skills to explore America's TV watching habits in this NCTM Math Challenges for Families activity. See if you can figure out which night of the week has the...
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: Bunny Hop
You will want to "hop" right on this problem and see if you can find a solution at this one page website. Then you can check it right there.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Nctm: Figure This: How Many Fish in the Pond?
Can you figure out how many fish are in a pond? Use the statistical method of capture-recapture and estimation to solve this math challenge. An investigation from the NCTM Math Challenges for Families series. Discover how this skill can...
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Nctm: Figure This: How Many Colors of States Are on a Us Map
Try this data collection and analysis math challenge on map coloring. An interesting approach to analyzing complex data. This one page activity is part of the NCTM Math Challenges for Families collection.
University of Illinois
University of Illinois: Home, Home on the Range
This site from the University of Illinois contains an introduction and definition of the term range. It has a link to the National Weather Service so students can practice finding the range using the available weather data.
Rice University
What Percentage of Your Class Is Right or Left Handed?
What percentage of the class is right or left-handed? Students will investigate this question using statistical processes of collecting the data, organizing it, graphing, and finally analyzing it. Follow-up questions are provided for the...
Rice University
Rice University: The Hand Squeeze
Students will enjoy this data collection and class analysis experiment involving the time it takes for a hand squeeze to travel around a circle of people. From organizing the activity to collecting the data to making a table and graphing...