Object of History: Jefferson Desk (Desk on Which the Declaration Was Drafted)
Provides information on the desk that Thomas Jefferson used to draft the Declaration of Independence.
Object of History: Other Authors of the Declaration of Independence
View a photo of the committee that discussed the important points to be covered in the Declaration of Independence.
Object of History: Remembrances of Revolution and Declaration of Independence
View copies of three original documents that are letters between political leaders concerning the Declaration of Independence.
Liberty Online: A Summary View of the Rights of British America
Written before the Declaration of Independence, this lengthy essay by Thomas Jefferson argued that the British Government was treating America unfairly. This site contains full text and footnotes within text hyperlinked to panel at...
U.s. History on the Web: Thomas Jefferson, the Eliminated Paragraph
Read the original words of Thomas Jefferson's paragraph denouncing George III for slavery and slave trade. Excerpt from Jefferson's first draft which Congress omitted.
University of Delware: Franklin and Friends
Using historically significant documents and photos from its collection, this exhibit probes the various interests of Franklin and the influential friends that shared his interests.
Semper Liber: American Rule of Law the American Way
American rule of law is based on the premise that increase in government means decrease in liberty. That being given, the underlying assumption about American rule of law is that limits must be placed on government, since the tendency of...
University of North Carolina
American Self Government: The First & Second Continental Congress [Pdf]
Looks at the significant events and decisions of the First and Second Continental Congresses that piloted the movement towards self-government.
Quia: Key Events of the Revolutionary War
Put the Revolutionary war events in sequential order in this interactive activity.
Ibis Communications
Eyewitness to History: Writing the Declaration of Independence
An article about the Declaration of Independence which covers the selection of the Committee of Five, Jefferson's writing, the presentation to Congress for approval, the problems in drafting, and the final changes which were made....
Read Write Think: Myth and Truth Independence Day
Contains plans for three lessons that explore the fact and fiction surrounding the Declaration of Independence and Independence Day. In addition to objectives and standards, this instructional plan contains links to resources used in the...
US Government Publishing Office
Ben's Guide to u.s. Government: Declaration of Independence (9 12)
Read the full text of the Declaration of Independence, and get some other interesting information about it. Links at the bottom of the page explore the Declaration of Independence in fuller detail, including what the document is, who...
US Government Publishing Office
Ben's Guide to u.s. Government: The Declaration of Independence (3 5)
Ben's Guide is a fun way to present U.S. Government to students grades K-12. This site presents a brief description of the Declaration of the Independence. Links to related sites are available.
US Government Publishing Office
Ben's Guide to u.s. Government: The Declaration of Independence
Overview of the men primarily responsible for writing and revising the Declaration of Independence. Includes links to the signers of the document, an image of the Declaration, and information on the drafting of the document.
US Government Publishing Office
Ben's Guide to u.s. Government: Declaration of Independence
Written for students, a full text and explanation of the Declaration of Independence, its authors, and background in the American Revolution. Links to related resources.
A Civic Framework for Community
A framework for discussing what it means to be a community, based on the principles in the Declaration of Independence and on the values Americans hold dear that form the basis of successful communities.
Pbs: Rediscovering George Washington
Discussion lesson plan that introduces and examines the concept of government by consent of the governed. Includes a reading for class distribution and references to primary source documents.
Library of Congress
Loc: Thomas Jefferson, 1743 1826
Brief summary from the Library of Congress of Thomas Jefferson's involvement in the Declaration of Independence.
Independence Hall Association
U.s. History: When Does the Revolution End?
An interesting discussion of the precepts of the Declaration of Independence which claimed that all men were created equal, but still allowed slavery. See what the document had to say about people's rights and "the consent of the governed."
Independence Hall Association
U.s. History: Second Continental Congress
The Second Continental Congress was the die cast into the river of Revolution. Read about the decisions made and the actions taken in preparation for declaring independence.
Independence Hall Association
U.s. History: E Pluribus Unum
The fact that the Second Continental Congress convened was evidence that the colonists had had enough from the British Parliament. Read about the ways the colonies finally began to work together and focus on a common plan, resulting in...
Bill of Rights Institute
Bill of Rights Institute: Declaration of Independence
On June 7, 1776, Richard Henry Lee brought what came to be called the Lee Resolution before the Continental Congress. This resolution stated "these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states " Congress...
Bill of Rights Institute
Bill of Rights Institute: John Adams
Short, overweight, and quick-tongued, John Adams hardly fits the model of the typical Founder. But Adams's contributions to American independence and the formation of the United States government were great. Adams penned defenses of...
Bill of Rights Institute
Bill of Rights Institute: John Hancock
Forever famous for his outsized signature on the Declaration of Independence, John Hancock was a larger than life figure in other ways as well. Part of the great Boston triumvirate that included Samuel Adams and James Otis, Hancock was a...