Florida Center for Reading Research
Phonics: Encoding and Decoding, Digraph Delight
There are three spinners to use in this phonic activity. Spinner one contains digraphs, spinner two contains vowels, and spinner three contains consonants. Learners spin each spinner, write down the letters they get, blend them to make a...
Curated OER
'Sh' Digraph Story
Explore consonant blends using this resource. Learners read a story about a boy named Shaun who encounters a group of pirates. They read words beginning with the sh- sound including shark, shiver, and ship. In addition, they discuss the...
Curated OER
Go Fish For Blends and Digraphs
Youngsters practice using blends and digraphs. In this early reading lesson, students play a game of "Go Fish" using words that contain a blend or digraph. This allows them to practice recognizing the word and using it in a sentence.
Curated OER
Final Consonant Sounds: Review - ft, ld, lt, mp, nd
These are challenging phonics review sheets. On the first page, learners match the end sounds to the pictures and write a rhyming word for each word. For the second page, pupils choose an end sound to complete a series of incomplete...
Curated OER
Say and Spell Consonant Digraph Board Game
Students download from a website to learn about digraphs. In this digraphs lesson, students download a digraphs game to practice digraphs.
Curated OER
Three for the Money: The Degree/Diameter Problem
Students explore the degree, diameter, planarity, and size of graphs. In this degree, diameter, planarity, and size of graphs activity, students try to construct a graph with more than 12 vertices that satisfy all other...
Curated OER
Charlie Chicken
Students practice identify and making the sound represented by the diagraph /ch/. They use letterboxes to practice spelling short ch words such as chip and inch. The instructor then reads a tongue twister with many ch sounds. Each...
Curated OER
The Loud Trout Shouts!
Learners practice the strategies of phonemes and digraphs dealing with the correspondence "ou"=/ow/ in both spoken and written words. They listen as the book The Napping House by Audrey Wood is read to them and then they interact with...
Curated OER
Learners recognize and practice putting certain letters together as they make unique sounds in one mouth movement. This lesson focuses on the digraph /sh/. They study and recite the tongue twister "Shelly's aunt, Sharon shears sheep" and...
Curated OER
On a Roll With Digraphs
Students practice building and spelling words with digraphs. After discussing what digraphs are and how they change the spelling and produnciation of words, they create a dice game and play by spelling words containing common digraphs.
Curated OER
Sixth graders participate in a word study activity to increase vocabulary and spelling accuracy. In this digraphs lesson, 6th graders understand how the letter "h" changes and initial sound. Students complete a crossword using digraphs...
Curated OER
Third graders complete a worksheet. In this digraphs lesson, 3rd graders discuss the sound of digraphs ch, sh, th and wh and brainstorm words that contain these digraphs. Students complete a word search worksheet.
Curated OER
Print the Name of the Pictures: Digraphs
In this digraphs worksheet, students say the name of five pictures. Students print the name of the picture. The beginning digraph ch, sh, th, wr, or kn is provided.
Curated OER
Consonant Digraphs: ch, kn, sh, th, wr
In this consonant digraphs worksheet, students complete words, writing the digraph that correctly begins words describing given pictures.
Curated OER
Ending Digraphs
In this digraph learning exercise, students look at pictures and print their names on lines provided; the ending digraph is given to students for each pictures. Worksheet has a web site reference for additional activities.
Curated OER
Consonant Blends and Digraphs
In this consonant blend/digraph worksheet, students select from a "consonant bank" and complete words correctly, filling in blank spaces with the appropriate blend.
Curated OER
Digraphs Word Search
In this ow digraph word search instructional activity, students locate and circle the 17 word banks words featuring ow in the word search puzzle.
Curated OER
In this digraph practice worksheet, students examine 12 pictures, say the names of the pictures, and circle the consonant digraphs that they hear in each name.
Curated OER
Initial Digraphs 2
In this digraph practice worksheet, students examine 6 pictures, say the names of the pictures, cut the pictures out, and paste them in ch, sh, or th columns.
Curated OER
Digraphs 2
In this digraph practice worksheet, students examine 12 pictures, say the names of the pictures, and circle the consonant digraphs that they hear in each name.
Curated OER
Digraphs 3
In this digraph practice worksheet, students examine 6 pictures, say the names of the pictures, and the ch or th digraphs that they hear in each name.
Curated OER
Ending Digraphs
In this ending sounds learning exercise, 1st graders color the pictures that end in 'ch' red and the words that end in 'th' blue. Students also write in the endings for the 6 words.
Curated OER
Fill in Missing Consonant Blends and Digraphs
In this phonics worksheet, students look at a picture and fill in the missing consonant blend or digraph. Worksheet has a total of 6 pictures of everyday objects.
Curated OER
Missing Consonant Blends and Digraphs
In this phonics learning exercise, students look at pictures and fill in the missing consonant blend or digraph. All pictures are of common objects, 6 total.