
Medicine Net: Infectious Mononucleosis

For Students 9th - 10th
This site from MedicineNet.com gives an in-depth description of mononucleosis, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment, as well as complications that can come up. Links are provided for easy access to the topics as well to...

A Science Odyssey: Alexander Fleming 1881 1955

For Students 9th - 10th
This site details the life and scientific contributions of Alexander Fleming. Fleming is noted for his work with "Salvarsan," and penicillin for which he was knighted in 1944 and awarded a Nobel Prize in 1945. Link available to simulated...

Pbs: A Science Odyssey Fleming Discovers Penicillin

For Students 9th - 10th
This PBS site details the work of Alexander Fleming in the discovery of lysozyme and later penicillin. Links available to related information in People and Discoveries at the PBS site.

Lymphoma Information Ntwk: Childhood Hodgkin's Disease

For Students 9th - 10th
Site containing information about childhood Hodgkin's disease.
Unknown Type
McGraw Hill

Glencoe Biology: Bacteria and Viruses: Chapter Test Practice

For Students 9th - 10th
Ten multiple-choice test practice questions covering bacteria and viruses. Students have the opportunity to check their answers after submitting their results.
Unknown Type
McGraw Hill

Glencoe Biology: Viruses and Prions: Self Check Quiz

For Students 9th - 10th
This multiple-choice quiz on viruses and prions allows students to get hints for each question and check their answers after submitting.
Unknown Type
McGraw Hill

Glencoe Biology: Noninfectious Disorders: Self Check Quiz

For Students 9th - 10th
This multiple-choice quiz on noninfectious disorders allows students to get hints for each question and check their answers after submitting.
Lesson Plan

Pbs News Hour Extra: Nine Deadly Diseases That Plagued the World

For Teachers 9th - 10th
Students investigate nine deadly disease by examining George Washington's medical records. Students will also use the Center for Disease Control website to identify where these nine deadly diseases are prevalent in the world today.
New York Times

New York Times: Fighting an Old Scourge

For Students 9th - 10th
This interactive resource discusses malaria in Uganda. It gives pictures, audio, and video to depict the problems that the Ugandan government is having fighting the spread of this illness. It tells how they are beginning to use new...
Lesson Plan
University of Missouri

Microbes in Action: Classroom Activities: Transfer of Diseases

For Teachers 9th - 10th
A science experiment to observe how microbes are transferred by hand contact. This lab creates a model to show students how microbes transfer disease. One student will rub their hand with candy soaked in a yeast solution, then students...
Unknown Type
Biology 4 kids

Biology4 Kids: Quiz: Viruses

For Students 3rd - 8th
Take this ten-question review quiz over viruses. Read more about each question after an incorrect answer is given.
Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic: Heart Healthy Foods

For Students 9th - 10th
Resource provides great information on the topic of heart healthy foods. The site is fairly in-depth with links scattered throughout for additional information on related subjects.
Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic

For Students 9th - 10th
A comprehensive resource for timely and accurate medical information from experts at Mayo Clinic. Content includes information on almost all diseases and conditions, a guide to healthy living, first-aid and self-care information.
Unit Plan
CK-12 Foundation

Ck 12: Earth Science: Safety of Water

For Students 9th - 10th
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] How some people do not have access to safe water for drinking and bathing.
Unit Plan
CK-12 Foundation

Ck 12: Earth Science: Safety of Water

For Students 9th - 10th
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] How some people do not have access to safe water for drinking and bathing.
Curated OER

Kids Health: Cystic Fibrosis

For Students 9th - 10th
What is Cystic Fibrosis? What Causes it? How is it treated? All of these questions are answered in these articles. This site also provides recipes for kids with C.F. This is a great site if you want to learn more, or if you're just...
Curated OER

Kids Health: Chicken Pox

For Students 9th - 10th
This site from KidsHealth provides good suggestions on how to keep from itching too much while sick with the chicken pox.
Curated OER

Kids Health: Mononucleosis

For Students 9th - 10th
This 3-page article explores "mono." Content includes a focus on what mononucleosis is, how people get it, and how to recover from the disease.
Curated OER

Kids Health: What's Mono?

For Students 3rd - 5th
Two-page article relaying the symptoms and transmission of mononucleosis, also known as the "kissing disease." Includes links information on related topics such as fever, headaches, muscles, flu, and strep throat.
Careers New Zealand

Kiwi Careers: Microbiologist

For Students 9th - 10th
Kiwi Careers offers an informative but short description including duties for a microbiologist.
Curated OER

Kids Health: Diabetes Center

For Students 3rd - 8th
This resource provides information about Diabetes, and how to live with the disease.
Harvard University

Harvard Medical Center: Cushing's Syndrome

For Students 9th - 10th
This site contains information dealing with Cushing's Syndrome and Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) testing.
National Institutes of Health

Ninds: Shingles Information Page

For Students 9th - 10th
This site gives basic information about shingles, including a definition, treatments, and prognosis. Also, includes a list of related organizations and links to additional information.
American Academy of Family Physicians

Aafp: Practical Tips for Preventing a Sickle Cell Crisis

For Students 9th - 10th
This article from the American Family Physician journal provides basic information about what sickle cell anemia is and some measures that can be used to control the pain.