Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of American History: Legendary Coins and Currency
Archived images of coins from a beautiful online exhibition on the history of money.
Vassar College
Vassar College: 1896: The Currency Question: The Gold Standard
This site is provided for by the Vassar College. "The bitter controversy surrounding the issues of `Free silver' and `sound money,' so central to the 1896 campaign, has proved difficult for historians to explain." However, this 1896, a...
US Mint
U.s. Mint: Mint Marks
Learn about the four mint facilities in the United States, and how American coins are marked to show their origin.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Learning Lab: Revolutionary Money
A two-lesson plan unit using the Smithsonian collection of currency to teach students about the first American money. Other resources are given and all materials are downloadable.
Wikipedia: Currency
This encyclopedia article from Wikipedia on currency discusses the history and evolution of currency. It also discusses the code used to define currency, provides a list of currency names by country, and gives a listing of currency symbols.
University of Exeter: Money and Coins in Wales
This article shows the difference in use of coinage in Wales as compared to Britain, Scotland and Ireland. The author has a background in research and the history of finance.
Nova Online: History of Money
A timeline of money from 9000 B.C. to the present day that explains the types of money being used at various times in history.