Curated OER
Cross-referencing: Using MLA Format
The purposes of documentation, the uses of parenthetical citations, and the necessity of a Works Cited page are the focus of a presentation designed for the beginning of a research unit. A script for the instructor accompanies the slides.
Curated OER
A Time Period in American History
Researchers combine music, narration, photos, and text to form a presentation for their classmates about a time period in American History. Proper research and documentation techniques are emphasized. The instructional activity, created...
Curated OER
Documenting Sources: An Introduction to Incorporating and Documenting Outside Sources in Your Writing
Text heavy, the 16 slides in this presentation provide specific examples to introduce researchers to documenting outside sources in expository writing. A follow-up activity or worksheet would provide an opportunity for guided practice.
Curated OER
Research and Documentation
Did you just assign a research project to your high school class? Begin the research process with this presentation. Give your class ideas about where to find information, how to evaluate sources, and how to properly cite them. The...
Curated OER
When Johnny Went Marching Off...
Eighth graders decide whether to join the Union or Confederate army. Then decide under which General you serve and in which battles you fight. Finally students create civilwar documents in assigned roles.
Curated OER
Research Paper
Ninth graders continue to work on their research papers including to credit and cite all resources used, incorporate a style manual, electronic databases, online resources as well as a Works Cited page. In addition, they orally present...
Curated OER
Language Arts: Paraphrasing Research Material
Students visit the school media center to research their favorite historical figures. Following a discussion of paraphrasing, they find information in library materials about their figure. Once students compile their information, they...
Sommerville: Software Documentation
An in-depth treatment of the software documentation subject, from what documents should be produced by a large project team to the methods that should be used to produce high quality documentation.
Calvin College: Knight Cite
Automatic citation generator is provided by Calvin College. Choose from MLA, APA, or Chicago citation styles in the upper left corner. Then, fill in the appropriate information, and this page creates your citation for you.
The New Guide to Writing
This site contains several helpful suggestions for writing a research paper including a schedule which breaks down the process into several smaller parts. Students can set reasonable deadlines for themselves. Also, this site outlines one...
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Contemporary Lit Course Overview: Parenthetical Citations
This lesson focues on parenthetical or in-text citations using MLA formatting.
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Contemporary Literature Course Overview: Works Cited Page
This lesson focuses on how to do a Works Cited Page in MLA format. It provides links to an MLA Works Cited Page handout and a rubric. It explains the format, offers a puzzle with the format rules, and provides an assignment for students...
Citation Machine
Use the Citation Machine to accurately craft citations for materials used in essays, presentations, or other documents. APA, MLA, Chicago, and Turabian styles are all available. L.9-10.3a Standard Format
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Avoiding Plagiarism
Plagiarism is a serious offense in many educational settings. Plagiarism and copyright laws are reviewed here. Activities to avoid plagiarism are also provided through links. W.9-10.8 Sources, W.11-12.8 Sources/Integrate/Cite;...
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Mla Formatting and Style Guide
Extensive examination of the Modern Language Association (MLA) format of writing papers, making reference to the works of others, citations, and notes. W.9-10.8 Sources, L.9-10.3a Standard Format; CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.6-8.8 Gather...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway:using Reference Guides for Citations(english Iii Writing/research)
Use the Modern Language Association (MLA) style manual to check that you are citing your sources correctly.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting Source Material Accurately
You will learn how to summarize, paraphrase, and quote material from your sources.
University of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin Madison: Documentation Styles
This is one of the more thorough reference tools on documentation styles. It covers the major style guides, including APSA, APA, Chicago/Turabian, CBE, and MLA. Numbered references are also explained. One section of links is devoted to...
Citation Style for Research Papers/long Island Univ.
This site offers a general overview of several citation styles for research papers, including AMA, MLA and APA. Includes examples and subjects which most commonly use each style.
Brigham Young University
Apa Reference Style: Tightening Up Your Citations
This site contains a lot of general information about the APA (American Psychological Association) style of documentation, much of which can be obtained from other sites and sources; however, this site does contain practice exercises for...
University of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin: Writing Center: Writing a Research Report
Learn how to write research papers. Includes an eight-step writing handout, information on quoting and paraphrasing, and tips for writing annotated bibliographies. Click on the side links to access some of these resources.
SUNY Empire State College
Empire State College: Documenting Sources
Here's a basic guide to documentation -- more of the why and what and when, than the actual format.
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School: Citing Sources: Parenthetical Documentation
An excellent tip sheet on how to document sources while writing and creating a research paper. Includes in-depth information and examples.
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School: Making a Works Cited
An excellent tip sheet on how to write and develop a works cited and documentation list for a research paper. Includes in-depth information and examples.