The Sustainable Scale Project: Ecological Footprint
The Ecological Footprint is rooted in the fact that all renewable resources come from the earth. It accounts for the flows of energy and matter to and from any defined economy and converts these into the corresponding land/water area...
Glp: What Is an Ecological Footprint
The morning alarm rings. You take a hot shower, brew up a cup of coffee, read a bit from the morning newspaper and hop in the car to get to work on time. Have you ever stopped to consider the total environmental impact involved in each...
Georgia State University
Georgia State University: Eco Connections: Conservation of Resources
During our exploration of each previous lesson, we have learned about many of the factors that contribute to the ongoing destruction of our environment. In our final lesson, we will make a holistic appraisal of the impact that each of...
Better Planet Productions
Earth Care: Reduce Your Ecological Footprint Poster Project
An assignment for students to create a poster that encourages people to reduce their ecological footprints. While it says it's for intermediate grades and up, this activity could easily be done with junior grades as well. There are links...