Curriki: "Beautiful Art" Cultural Diffusion
This lesson is designed to give students a conceptual understanding of cultural diffusion and the notion that ideas change people and people change ideas. It involves a teacher demonstration, student role-play, and an activity that...
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Shashi Tharoor: Why Nations Should Pursue "Soft" Power
In this video, Shashi Tharoor argues that "soft" power-the influence of a nation's culture on the rest of the world-has played a large role in India's rapid rise to power in the twenty-first century. [17:54] Includes a brief quiz and a...
Mac Donalds in Hong Kong
Interesting site describing the cultural borrowing happening as MacDonald's opens around the world and particularly in China. Learn about this interesting topic and better understand the implications of cultural borrowing.
American Forum for Global Education
American Forum for Global Education: The Japan Project
Students will explore the many ways in which China has influenced Japanese culture and cultural borrowing has occurred.