Help With Fractions: Adding Fractions
The rules for adding fractions with the same or different denominators are clearly explained at this website. This is an excellent place to get step by step explanations for working with fractions.
Project Happy Child: Adding Fractions Story & Worksheets
Miss Walker explains to Bart the fine details of adding fractions. At the end of the discourse is a link, "Return to Fractions index," where you can go to print off some practice sheets.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: Fun Time
On this one page website sharpen your logic and fraction skills while working on this challenge. The solution is available to double check your solution.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: Fractions in a Box
On this one page website sharpen your logic and fraction skills while working on this challenge. The solution is available to double check your solution.
Math Is Fun
Math Is Fun: Addition of Fractions
This very basic website gives simple, easy steps on how to add fractions with the same denominator and what to do when they have different denominators.