Dallas Symphony Orchestra
Dallas Symphony Orchestra Kids
This interactive site offers students resource for learning about composers, their works, the logistics of orchestra seating, the functions of different instruments, and the like.
American Museum of Natural History
American Museum of Natural History: Anthropology: Sounds of the Silk Road
Travel the tales and sounds of the Silk Road through this resource and understand how music shaped Asian, and eventually, western cultures. You can create your own music to share with your friends, and gain knowledge about common...
Classics for Kids: Musical Instruments
An A-to-Z directory of all the instruments and tools of the orchestra. Each entry includes a description, a picture, and a sound sample.
Drum Bum: A Drum Lessons Database
Providing "Over 400 free Lessons and Tabs," this resource includes learning ideas and information for everyone from the drum novice to the expert. In addition to including lessons on a wide range of instruments, this resource includes...
Dallas Symphony Orchestra
Dallas Symphony Orchestra Kids: Listening Library
At this resource listen to a selection of audio clips that feature the works of a full range of composers and a full orchestra of instruments. Scroll down an alphabetical list to find the composer or instrument you want, then choose the...
Music Education
Learn About Instruments: The Percussion
Learn general information on different percussion instruments such as the snare drum and cymbals and hear sound clips of these instruments being played.
New York Times
New York Times: Crossword Puzzle: Musical Instruments
An interactive and printable crossword puzzle developed by the New York Times Learning Network. The theme of this puzzle is Musical Instruments.
Dallas Symphony Orchestra
Dallas Symphony Orchestra Kids: Cymbals
Learn about the ways to play the cymbals and how they contribute to the sound of the orchestra. Use RealAudio to listen to cymbals alone and with the orchestra. Pictures of the instrument are also provided.
Wikipedia: Percussion
A basic article on percussion instruments lists several examples of percussion instruments, provides a distinction between membranophones and idiophones, and lists instruments that are tuned vs. ones that are not.