Wikipedia: Debugging
Wikipedia provides a lengthy definition of the term, "debugging," including hyperlinked terms, links, and references. Cs Fundamentals: Lesson 4: Debugging With Laurel
Learners will practice debugging in the "collector" environment. Students will get to practice reading and editing code to fix puzzles with simple algorithms, loops and nested loops.
Try Engineering: Cracking the Code
Lesson focuses on how computerized barcodes have improved efficiency in product distribution; explores the barcoding process and engineering design.
The School Run: What Is Debugging?
Students are introduced to the debugging cycle and the steps in the debugging cycle.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: More Debugging Tips
There are many ways to debug your programs! Here's a list to get you started.
University of Canterbury
Cs Unplugged: Error Detection and Correction
Students learn that computers correct mistakes automatically. Cs Fundamentals: Debugging Guide
A one-page visual de-bugging reminder for studets learning computer programming.