Pbs Frontline: The Alternative Fix
Investigate the expanding industry of alternative medicine, pondering whether this is good medicine or just good business. Analyze the role of government in regulating the industry, and explore alternative treatments and therapies...
National Institutes of Health
National Institutes of Health: Office of Dietary Supplements
Health information, news, research, and much more about dietary supplements.
National Institutes of Health
National Institutes of Health: Vitamin and Mineral Supplement Fact Sheets
This site provides a wealth of information on the vitamins and minerals that the human body requires. Click on any nutrient to access a page of resources, then click on the 'Consumer' resource. Discusses what the nutrient does, how much...
Pbs: A Different Way to Heal?: A Survey of Inconsistency
Explore the government regulations, marketing and sales of herbal remedies designated as "dietary supplements" by the Food and Drug Administration. Analyze the labels of various brands of Echinacea for discrepancies in dosage and usage...
The Arthritis Webpages: Osteoporosis
This article covers several different areas related to osteoporosis, including different disease types, risk factors, and prevention and treatment measures.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Dietary Supplements for Building Up Muscles
Read this passage and study the graphics to complete a five-question quiz pertaining to dietary supplements for building up muscles.
Precision Nutrition
Encyclopedia of Food: Phosphorus
Find out how humans can acquire phosphorus and why it is important to the body.