Wikipedia: Common Law
This article provides a detailed history of common law, as well as information on its principles, the differences between common law and civil law, and modern-day common law.
University of Groningen
American History: Outlines: Emergence of Colonial Government
Detailed essay which shows how colonial self-government developed prior to the Revolutionary War.
US National Archives
Nara: The Magna Carta
One of the historical events that led to the creation of the limited government of the United States, the Magna Carta was written in 1215 as a promise from King John of England to his demanding barons. It put English kings under the rule...
Travel Document Systems
Tds: Brunei: Government
Read about the government of Brunei, which is controlled by the Sultan for the good of its people. You can find out about the judiciary in addition to how the government spends its money to help the population. From the U.S. State Dept....
Travel Document Systems
Tds: Dominica: Government
You can find out about the government of Dominica and its unicameral Parliament system from the information from the U.S. State Dept. Background Notes.
Travel Document Systems
Tds: Malaysia: Government
Read this informative article about the government and politics of Malaysia from the U.S. State Dept. Background Notes. Learn how the government is attempting to help the economy and the people of Malaysia.
Travel Document Systems
Tds: Seychelles: Government
Read about the government of Seychelles and find a chart of the current governmental officials. Information is from the U.S. State Dept. Background Notes.
Cornell University
Cornell University: Law School: Overview of Marriage
This web page, which is provided for by the Cornell University Law School, explains the process of getting married and its origin.