Read Works
Read Works: Dinosaur World
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about dinosaurs and how scientists learn about them. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Read Works
Read Works: Who Is Sue?
[Free Registration/Login Required] This nonfiction passage discusses information about a dinosaur that researchers named "Sue", which was found in South Dakota. This passage reinforces essential reading comprehension skills....
Society for Science and the Public
Science News for Students: Dinosaurs and Fossils
This section of Science News for Kids features articles on dinosaurs and fossils that are tailored for children. Many of these relate to recent discoveries or topics of debate.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Dinosaur Fossils
Students will enhance their understanding of fossils. Students explore fossils by creating their own fossil imprints using Play-Doh and Plaster of Paris.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Dig It!
Children will enjoy learning about dinosaurs through the use of technology, research, hands-on activities, discussions, and written and oral presentations. This unit will help students to collaborate as a group and manage their own time.
Scholastic: Play! Scholastic: You Dig?
Play this interactive game to uncover the bones of a dinosaur. Pick your favorite dinosaur then use the tools to find their bones. When completed , a picture will appear. Click on "factoid" to learn information on each dinosaur.
Dinosaur and Planetary History: Tracking Dinosaurs
An introduction to the fascinating topic of dinosaur footprints, with some excellent photos of some of the best dinosaur tracks that have ever been discovered.
University of California
Ucmp: Early Dinosaur Discoveries in North America
This survey of early dinosaur discoveries in North America discusses the first dinosaur specimens and the scientific debate that they inspired.