The History of the Green Party
An overview of the beginnings and development of the Green Movement originating in New Zealand and Australia, then spreading worldwide.
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: American Women: Rachel Carson
See this bust of Rachel Carson, leader of the environmental movement in the 1960s and read a brief description of the impact of her book, "Silent Spring."
Society of American Foresters: Professional Development
Sponsored by the Society of American Foresters, this site provides links to topics such as getting started in forestry, continuing education and professional development programs, accreditation news, understanding forestry, and forestry...
Better Planet Productions
Earth Care: Recycling: Why Do We Recycle? [Pdf]
A two-page handout on the rationale for recycling and what happens to recycled materials in one community.
Natural Resources Defense Council: The Environmental Justice Movement
A summary of the environmental justice movement in America that targets people of color and the poor. Lists milestones in environmentalism from 1960-2005.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Utah History Encyclopedia: Conservation and the Environment in Utah
This article looks at conservation and environmental awareness in the state of Utah, from the Progressive Era to the present.