California Academy of Science
Be Prepared for an Earthquake
Earthquakes can be frightening and dangerous, but being prepared can make a world of difference. Perform an earthquake simulation during which the class practices how to drop, cover, and hold on as you read a script...
US Geological Survey
Usgs: Yellowstone Volcano Observatory
Yellowstone Volcano Observatory is an instrument-based monitoring program designed for observing volcanic and earthquake activity in the Yellowstone National Park region. This website provides information about its geology, history,...
Pbs Learning Media: Global Earthquakes Activity and Seafloor Features
Students will examine patterns between volcanic activity and seafloor features. NASA tracked volcanic activity for 15 years and created an animated map from their data. Compare this map to a map of seafloor features to reveal interesting...
K 3 Learning Pages: Tsunami Disaster
This site features several links to tsunami relief sites. Students and teachers can access information about the tsunami relief efforts through these resources.
Tulane University: Earthquakes and Earth's Interior
College instructor's notes on seismology includes earthquake origins, seismic waves, risks and damage assessments, and other information about the interior structure of the Earth.
Columbia University
Scientific Background on the Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami
This site features information and related links that can be used by students and scientists to understand the events that led to the December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.
Abc News: Talking to Kids About the Tsunami Tragedy
How can you begin to talk to your kids about the Tsunami tragedy? This site offers insight on how to deal with this difficult topic.
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology
Iris: Watch Earthquakes as They Occur
This fact sheet provides an introduction to an interactive display of global seismicity that allows users to monitor earthquakes in near real-time, view records of ground motion, learn about earthquakes, and visit seismic stations around...
Discovery Education
Discovery Education: Understanding Tsunamis
Come and learn more about the devastating effects of tsunamis. This site features video segments revealing the devastation tsunamis can cause and how tsunamis are formed.
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: Earthquake Waves and Their Destructions
Looking for the epicenter of an earthquake and measuring the magnitude of waves are goals for students in this lesson plan for intermediate to middle school students. Students get to analyze the P and S waves.
Disaster Pages: The Tsunami Page
FAQs about tsunamis address the reasons they occur and the destruction they cause. Also, learn about systems in place that provide Tsunami warnings as well as the data collected by scientists studying violent earthquakes and seismic sea...