Pbs: Eggs Plore Science by Making Meringues
Practice the scientific steps of making predictions, observations, and discoveries while making this simple meringue recipe.
Pbs Teachers: Curious George: Ramp N Roll Experiment
Identify simple principles of physical science and engineering by exploring ramps and things that roll. Predict which items will slide or roll down a ramp and test your predictions.
Pbs Teachers: Rescue Mission, Design Experiment
Design and build a hook that can be used to grab and lift canisters floating in water. Test the design and make revisions as needed.
Pbs Kids: Plum Landing: Grizzly
This PBS Kids activity is an extension of a Plum Landing episode featuring the grizzly bear. Students will learn basic information about the grizzly bear; students will also use online drawing tools to design a scene with a grizzly bear...
Pbs Teachers: Spool Racer Experiment
Demonstrate stored and kinetic energy by making a racer toy from a spool and a rubber band.
Pbs Teachers: Strongest Shape Experiment
Observe the structural strength of different three-dimensional shapes made from paper by piling books on top of each shape.
Pbs Teachers: Super Golf Tower Experiment
Explore engineering concepts by building a tower out of newspaper and tape as tall as possible, but so the tower will still support a golf ball at the top.
Pbs Kids: Peg and Cat: 3 2 1 Snack
Can you help Peg feed Cat his snack? Count the number of snacks that matches the number he wants.
Pbs Kids "Zoom": Rube Goldberg Machine Building
This site from PBS Kids "Zoom" provides great ideas for building a Rube Goldberg machine around the house from common items. The information is complete with materials needed, instructions, and results on a level for elementary kids.
Pbs Teachers: Egg in a Bottle
Examine how differences in air pressure affect objects with this classroom experiment.
Pbs Teachers: Hot and Cold Water Experiment
Demonstrate the relationship between water temperature and density using two clear plastic soda bottles.
Pbs Teachers: Dish It Out, Simple Machine Game
Explore the physics of motion and simple machines with this interactive game. Try a pre-made challenge or set up ramps in your own challenge to get the mysterious Dim Sum ball into the take-out container.
Pbs Kids: Science Rocks: Build a Tent
This site provides instructions on how to build a tent including materials needed. It focuses primarily on a model tent but gives hints to adapt it to an outdoor tent that could provide shelter from the weather.
Pbs Teachers: Geodesic Dome
Explore different structures by building a large geodesic dome from tubes of newspaper.
Pbs Teachers: Sweet Spot
Discover the section of a baseball bat that will make the ball go the farthest by locating the area that doesn't produce vibrations when hit.
Pbs Kids: Peg and Cat: On the Farm: Chicken Dance
Help the chickens do their really cool chicken dance by extending a simple shape pattern.
Pbs Kids: Peg and Cat: Scrub a Dub
Help the farmer clean up his animals so he can take their photos. Match the animals to their right-sized bath tools.
Pbs: Give Awards to Everyday Heroes
Explain how everyday heroes are just as heroic as famous ones and list heroic things they do. Design and present awards to everyday heroes you know, including yourself.
Pbs: Host a Family Olympics
Design and build a track with obstacles you must go over, under, around or through. Participate in a non-competive event with a variety of games that develop gross motor skills.
Pbs Teachers: Ice Cream Shake
Investigate states of matter while making ice cream. Explore how to turn a liquid into a solid by removing heat energy.
Pbs Teachers: A Kindness Tree
Create a "Kindness Tree" and make it bloom by adding flowers each time you perform an act of kindness and good will. Related episode: Meek for a Week
Pbs Teachers: A Folktale Play
Listen to folk tales from around the world, and recreate one of the stories in a play.
Pbs Teachers: Being Lost
Listen to a story about a time when someone was lost or afraid and role-play what you would do in that situation. Learn how to handle situations when you are afraid, and learn about who to go to for help.