Pbs Teachers: Collapsing Bottle Experiment
Explore the effect of changing temperature on air pressure using a plastic soda bottle.
Pbs Teachers: Make a Guitar, Vibration Experiment
Experience how vibrations make sound by constructing a guitar using rubber bands and a cereal box.
Pbs Teachers: Build a Model Dam
Discover the unique engineering properties of a dam by contructing a model dam using popsicle sticks, pebbles and sand.
Pbs Teachers: Daredevil Ball Jump Ii Experiment
Make alterations in the variables of the original ZOOM Daredevil Ball Jump activity by heating or cooling the balls in the experiment. Predict how the balls' bounces will be affected by hot and cold, test the predictions and record the...
Pbs Kids: Martha Speaks: Radio Martha
Martha the talking dog has her own radio show in this game. As she tells a story, students must listen closely and then find pictures that illustrate it. Different themes as presented.
Pbs Teachers: String Telephone
Discover how sound vibrations travel across a string by making a telephone from paper cups, string and paper clips.
Pbs Teachers: Daredevil Ball Jump Experiment
Construct a device to measure the height of a bounced ball, then compare the bouncing heights of various types of balls. Record the results on a chart.
Pbs Teachers: Reel Science: Cool Experiments
Eight student videos are featured on this site by Reel Science. Each video presents a separate experiment that can be adapted for both class use, a science experiment, or a fun activity to explore at home.
Pbs Teachers: Sidewalk Safety
Role-play safe behaviors related to traffic, streets and roadsigns, and learn how to stay safe when walking on sidewalks. Recite a traffic safety rhyme, and practice crossing streets safely. Related episode: D.W. Rides Again
Pbs Kids: Sid the Science Kid: Pan Balance
This is a game of weighing the rocks using the pan balance.
Pbs Teachers: Rube Goldberg Invention Ii
Explore motion, force and energy by building a complicated contraption to pour milk into a glass.
Pbs Teachers: Pendulum of Fear Experiment
Demonstrate how friction affects the energy in a pendulum.
Pbs Teachers: Tearing a Card Experiment
Analyze why it is impossible to rip an index card that is scored in two places so that the middle section falls to the floor.
Pbs Teachers: Tower of Coins Experiment
Demonstrate inertia by pushing a nickel out of the bottom of a stack without disturbing the rest of the stack.
Pbs Teachers: Weightlessness Experiment
Demonstrate how water and a cup fall at the same rate of speed.
Pbs Teachers: Tall, Sturdy Building
Build the tallest tower possible from stale marshmallows and spaghetti, which will support the weight of a toy gorilla. Make improvements on the design so that it is as stable as possible while keeping the cost of materials within a...