Pbs: American Experience: The Crash of 1929
This resource is the online home of a PBS documentary film that traces the prosperity of the 1920s which ended with the stock market crash of 1929.
Library of Congress
Loc: America's Story: Great Depression and World War Ii
It began on "Black Tuesday" and went downhill from there. A brief description of the Great Depression along with links to additional information.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Don't Fence Me Out! (Barriers to Trade)
We tend to see the United States as a country with free trade. Although we do have a great deal of freedom to enter new markets, there are barriers to trade that limit consumer choice. This lesson explores these barriers and how they work.
Investopedia: 4 Factors That Shape Market Trends
Learn about the four factors that shape market trends: government, international transactions, speculation and expectation and supply and demand.
Investopedia: Governments' Influence on Markets
A look at how the government affects the markets and influences business in ways that often have unexpected consequences.