The International Association for Near Death Studies
Information on near death experiences and scientific explorations into the subject
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Boundless Psychology: How Culture and Society Impact the Elderly
Examines the positive and negative perspectives that different cultures have on aging.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise
Jewish Virtual Library: Mezuzah
The mezuzah can be found on the doorposts of many Jewish homes. This small case is a constant reminder of God's presence and God's commandments. Read about its other significance in this article.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise
Jewish Virtual Library: u.s. Proposes u.n. Trusteeship of Palestine
President Truman explains the United States' position and recommendations on the issue of Palestine once the British mandate was to end.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise
Jewish Virtual Library: Un Partition Plan, September 1947
This authentic UN map depicts the political lines to be drawn to partition Palestine as established in 1947.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise
Jewish Virtual Library: Israeli Population Statistics Table
A table sorting population demographics by religion, age, and urban centers.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise
Jewish Virtual Library: Statement by the Arab League States
Arab statement after the state of Israel was announced includes declarations and demands.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise
Jewish Virtual Library: The Partition Plan
The background for creating a plan to partition Palestine, as well as the details of the plan itself and its effects are discussed.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise
Jewish Virtual Library: British White Paper of June 1922
The British policy addresses misinterpretations of the Balfour agreement and attempts to ease Arab resentment and fear of Jewish domination through political promises.
Beyond Indigo: Dealing With Grief and Loss
This site offers information on dying and aspects of death affecting surviving family members