Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Forensics: How Does It Matter? Measure the Spatter!
Every criminal leaves behind evidence at the crime scene. The trick to catching the criminal is collecting all of the evidence and making sense of it. This is what the forensic expert does. In this science project you will be correlating...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Using Laser Pointer to Measure Data Track Spacing on C Ds, Dv Ds
You've probably noticed the colorful patterns "reflecting" from the shiny surface of a CD disk. What you are seeing is actually diffraction of white light, and the rainbows of color are diffraction patterns. In this project you'll learn...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Now You See It, Now You Don't: A Chromatic Adaptation Project
This project shows that our perceptions can change, even with the stimulus remains the same. A clear color difference in an image disappears after just 20 seconds of looking at another (special) image.
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Eggs and Hen's Diet: Can You Get Bigger Eggs for Peanuts?
The goal of this project is to determine whether feeding chickens a dietary supplement of peanuts will result in larger and heavier eggs. If peanuts do increase egg size, a secondary goal will be to determine the optimal amount of peanut...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Point of a Parabola: Focusing Signals for a Better Wireless Net
Here's a project with practical applications for homes with a wireless network. This project shows you how to build and test parabolic reflectors for the transmitters on your network. You may be able to increase the range of your...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Boyle's Law
This is a modern version of a classic experiment by Robert Boyle on the compressibility of gases. Boyle discovered the relationship between pressure and volume of gases that now bears his name. This project shows you a simple method for...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Charles's Law
This is a modern version of a classic experiment by Jacques Charles on the volume of a gas at different temperatures. Charles discovered the relationship between volume and temperature of gases that now bears his name. This project shows...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Measuring the Surface Tension of Water
Did you know that when you dip your finger in water and pull it out, the water is actually pulling back on you? Here's a way you can measure how much.
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: How Fast Is Your Computer?
Computer technology continues to develop at a rapid pace. A new home computer is noticeably faster than a machine from five years ago, and dramatically faster than a machine from ten years ago. Exactly how much faster? This project will...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Solar Cell Power Output vs. Temperature
Solar cells provide a clean way of making electricity directly from sunlight. In this project you will build a simple circuit and experimental setup to investigate whether the power output of a solar cell changes with ambient temperature.
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Cabbage Chemistry
This experiment is for all the kids out there who love boiled cabbage. Even if you don't like cabbage, perhaps you will like this amazing color-changing liquid you can make with cabbage. You'll learn which solutions around your house can...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Make Your Own Markers
Do you ever wonder how markers are made? Where do all of those colors come from? Many of the colorful dyes we use come from plant pigments. Pigments are what make the world around us so colorful. How do chemists turn those natural plant...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: A Soluble Separation Solution
Have you ever mixed together salt and pepper? Isn't it fun to see how all of those tiny grains of salt and pepper mix together. But what if you had to separate them out again? Do you have nightmares of tiny tweezers, a magnifying glass,...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Slip Sliding Away: Experimenting With Friction
As you headed up the mountain to enjoy your last ski trip, you may have noticed a sign reading: Hazard. Icy Roads Ahead, Put On Your Chains. Putting chains on car tires increases the resistance between the tires and the road allowing the...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Balancing the Load: The See Saw as a Simple Machine
Have you ever tried to pull out a nail out of wood with your bare hands? Or have you tried to shove a staple through a stack of papers without a stapler? A hammer's claw, a stapler, a pair of pliers and a shovel are each examples of...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: What Goes Up, Must Come Down
Standing on a balcony near the top of the 179-foot tall Tower of Pisa, a young scientist dropped two iron balls into the crowd below. The scientist, young Galileo, was not trying to knock his fellow professors on the head, but was trying...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Swing Low: Investigate the Motion of a Pendulum
Kids love to ride the swings at the playground. The back-and-forth motion of a swing demonstrates the physics of a pendulum. In this experiment, you will investigate the factors that affect the speed and duration of a pendulum's swing.
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Centripetal Force
What keeps you in your seat of a giant loop-de-loop roller coaster? Surprisingly, it is not the seatbelt but the seat. It works because of something called centripetal force and it does much more than make a great roller coaster. In this...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Are Laminates Stronger?
If you love to hit the half pipe with your snowboard or skateboard, then you have tested the strength and durability of laminates. Laminates are sandwiches of different materials that are glued together in layers to give strength and...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: An Aerobic Exercise: Yeast Metabolism and Aeration
This is a straightforward project on glucose metabolism in yeast. You'll grow yeast under aerobic and anaerobic conditions and measure carbon dioxide output to assess metabolic efficiency.
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Radiant Radish Seeds
We all know that plants need sunlight and water to grow big and tall. But did you know that inside seeds are baby plants, and that the fragile baby plant inside the seed needs to be protected? If you've ever had a sunburn, you also know...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria and Nitrogen Fertilizers
Plants need nitrogen to build proteins and nucleic acids to grow healthy stems and leaves. Though the Earth's atmosphere is made up of 79% nitrogen, the form of nitrogen found in the atmosphere cannot be used by plants. In this...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: It's Crowded in Here! A Study of Plant Population Density
Like humans, plants can be negatively affected by overcrowding. Unlike humans, plants cannot get up and move to a new environment or explore how to utilize new resources. This experiment will explore the effects of crowding (population...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Gone With the Wind: An Experiment on Seed and Fruit Dispersal
If you have ever made a wish and blown the fluff of a dandelion, you have witnessed how some plants are adapted to spreading their seeds using the wind. The tiny, furry parachute allows the seeds to be picked up by the wind and to be...